The Perfect Time to Begin
When is the perfect time to begin?
When is the perfect time to start that business?
Or take that leadership course hire the coach learn to become a better communicator, when is the perfect time as a couple to to ask someone to coach you as a couple. When is the perfect time to move to that new city, that new state that new country, when is the perfect time to take that vacation, plan the vacation? When is the time perfect time to ask that person out for a date? Or ask someone that you want to be friends with out for coffee? When is the perfect time to pick up the phone and make that sales call? When is the perfect time to begin?
There is no crystal ball. There is no perfect time.
You could go on Google and research “when is the perfect time to …fill in the blank.” You will get answer after answer, after answer of when the perfect time is. What are the pieces that have to be in place? What are the what are the things that you must know must do must be in order to begin? Well, the truth is this. The truth is this. The perfect time to begin is right now, the perfect time to begin is today, the perfect time to begin to take those steps is the present moment. There is never going to be the quote unquote, perfect time. The stars are never going to be in alignment. Everything is not going to be set in place perfectly ask anyone who has taken a major step. And they will tell you I was terrified. They will tell you it was scary. They will tell you I wasn't sure. But I had to try. There is no perfect time. There is no perfect time. Just start take the first step. We think in our minds that in order to start this business, we have to have everything in place we have to be making what we think we need to be making and then we'll take a step into it. It doesn't work that way. You can start building the life of your dreams while you're living the life you have right now. You can start working towards that fitness goal. While you're where you are at your fitness goal. You can start building that financial goal where you are in your finances right now. You can start building that spiritual life where you are in that spiritual life right now, the point is this, you have to start somewhere. So you may as well start where you are right now.
Right now. There's never the perfect time to start anything. What do you want to do start a new job, ditch everything and travel the world for a year. When should you change jobs. There are always things in your path that will lead you to a decision if you are working in a toxic environment.
It's not changing. Take a step out. If you are thinking about taking a trip to I'll say Italy, take the trip. Start planning. You don't have to pay for the trip today. But make your decision that you're going and start planning for the trip. That is a step. And that's something that we forget very often is that those little steps lead up to big changes. It's that consistency piece $10 a week, put it in an account for that trip. Then you'll find yourself putting $20 $30 $40 $50 A week towards that trip.
Have it in your mind that you are going the time to start is right now. You can't go back and change the past. But you can start right now and make a different end In leadership training, I hear that all the time, you can't change what happened. But you can take what happened. Make it into strengths to move forward into your future and live now and create a different ending.
You hold the paintbrush for your life, you hold the pencil, you hold the sketchbook, you hold, you hold the keyboard to write the words, it is up to you.
So start where you are right now, and create the life that you that you want with the ending that you want. What do you need to grow right now? What do you need to build right now? And when should you get started? Where is it that you need to tap into? Do you need to hire a coach? Do you need to go to a seminar? Do you need to tap into some books? I would absolutely love the opportunity to sit down with you and have a 15 to 30 minute conversation over what is your next step? What is your next step, you can find the link to schedule that in the show notes of today's episode, just click on the link, take one of those 15 minute spots, take two if you want to. Let's talk about what those next steps are. You don't have to go from where you are today to a thriving company of your own in one day, you get to take tiny steps along the way, start where you are and create a different ending you hold the pen, just begin, just start Nike says, “just do it. Just do it.”
Put in the effort and start building. I am your biggest fan, I am here for you.
I want to see the best success you could ever have. But it can never happen if you don't take the time to take the first step and then start building upon that first step. What do you love to do? What is it that you love to do so much that you would do it if no one ever gave you a cent for it. But you find yourself filling your days with things that don't even matter to you.
Your journal prompt:
What do you need to grow and build? When should you get started?