Cancer and CBD with David Schroeder
I had the privilege of talking with David Schrader and he is coming to talk to us today about things that are near and dear to his heart.
What is getting you out of bed these days? What are you so excited about?
If you recall a couple of years ago, you were you were diagnosed as possibly having a colorectal cancer or something along those lines.
I ended up having something similar a colorectal cancer and anal cancer, a squamous cell carcinoma. And come to find out now putting all the all of the information together all of the learnings from over the last several years turn turns out I've had this cancer, the doctor told me the size of the cancer that had been growing for at least six years.
Long story short come to find out that all of these mega night sweats and they only got worse over Time, turned out is it was my body fighting cancer while I'm trying to sleep. And when I would wake up in the morning, I am wiped out tired, voraciously hungry. And you know, because my body has been working all night. So I'm already wiped out. And so in 2022 I went through cancer treatment I was offered, or I went after proton through treatment. And so because I have all of these people in the cannabis community that I have these relationships with all of a sudden I've got all these people that are making various CBD concoctions, you know, that are attached to doctors that use their stuff for cancer. And so now all of a sudden, instead of having the option of doing chemotherapy, I now have the option of doing high dose vitamin C and CBD with some THC. And CBGa. Another cannabinoid found in the cannabis and hemp plant.
One of my my friends who's a researcher, a cannabis researcher, Michael Robinson. He put together some stuff for me. It's a it was a variety of cannabinoids, I think the main cannabinoid was CBGa. And it had some other terpenes and stuff in it. And so his instruction to me were okay, so this is you're going to bathe in this, you're going to let your body soak in this so that your body soaks up all of the cannabinoids. So as my, my wife says, my current wife, she tells me, You know, sometimes you're like a an Olympic swimming pool in the middle of the night. And so Mike makes this thing for me, the CBGa. And the first night I get it, I fill up a bathtub, I put in my three tablespoons, I get in, soak, get out. And my body went from having 100% sweats the night before, to maybe 1%. That night, it had that huge of an impact on my immune system. So all of a sudden us every night during treatment, you know, I'm soaking in this and the CBGa. So it's just a regular battle with a cannabinoid from the cannabis and the hemp plant. CBGa weird I think CBD are. There are a few in there. And I don't remember them all. It's been a little while. So forgive me for not remembering what's in there. But there are a few things in there. But the night sweats were like, just came to an almost halt. Wow, first bath. And so what it did is my body was having these cytokine storms. And so what those storms do is it's it's a it's a reaction to what's going on with the immune system fighting against something foreign in your body. And so the cytokine storms were coming out as mega sweats in the middle of the night. And all of a sudden now these mega sweats are gone. I just like I can't believe that the cytokine state cytokine storms now are being calm after taking this bath each night. Yeah, and so I went through seven and a half weeks of proton therapy.
Because I had all these phenomenal doctors who are in cannabis, and I had a pharmacist who is an MD, and he turned his back on the medical world and went straight to now. He doesn't he doesn't prescribe opioids. He doesn't do any of that stuff. It's all strictly natural stuff that he uses and he works with about 1600 other doctors and he works with another friend of mine, Christopher Holliger, who is the one who made the the advancements in nano sizing the CBD molecule. And so between these two guys, you know I am I'm getting all this good medication. And the pharmacist. You know, he's Tell me okay, this is what you got to eat.
This is what you have to eliminate. He's telling me what things that to take. Because not like Pol Pot. He can't sell pa pa as a pharmacist because it's known to be used in cancer treatments. Funny, but he can tell me verbally, right?
So this was all in 2022. And so it's been it's we're coming up on a year for treatment. I think July is when I started treatment the middle of July so it'll be a year. And so I've already been to my first checkup so far clean, very good. And so I use CBD with CBD N CBD CBG THC, I had a period of time where I used some Rick Simpson oil, which is a little too potent from you is just too much for me, I because I still have to function during the day. And so I'm taking these, you know, a lot of CBD during this time, you know, orally some rectally. And, you know, after treatment, you know, I'm going in for my checkups now and it was like there's nothing there. It's gone. So I'm not in remission yet, I still got five years to go or four and a half years to go. Right to be considered in remission. So it's still too soon, I've only had my first checkup. And which was good. I did a PET scan and CT scan and you know, CBD with some THC had a huge part in my treatment. And in my recovery.
There's so much information there. I've been on CBD with some THC for cancer, and it had a big impact with some other stuff. So that's why we're talking so much about CBD is because that's, what I do I deal with CBD and pain management for my own physical being. So that's kind of what's happened since the last time we spoke.
With the lynch syndrome. While you've been diagnosed in 10 years, you'll probably die of some kind of cancer and I'm on this quest of I don't accept this. I realize I'm missing a gene. I'm missing the cancer fighting gene body, which came through my mother.
It's been a journey. So there's been a lot for both of us. And hearing what you're saying though, is like I just want to, I want to hold every word and squeeze every bit of knowledge out of it that I can because healing my body naturally is so important to me. And I've been using a product with CBD CBN a little bit of THC at night for sleeping. It's called It's a wonder One to One, but there's no CBG in it. Don't believe. Okay, so this is where I'm holding on to everything going, Okay, what do I need to add in, because I don't ever want to hear those words again. And I have a dear friend that's just been diagnosed with a cancer that she's just desperate to treat this holistically.
My pharmacist turned me on to something incredible. I've been doing a lot of research. So high dose vitamin C. Okay, so it's 100 to one, Vitamin K three. Now, k three is not a real vitamin, it's, I guess it's a synthetic vitamin. But when it's mixed with vitamin C, 100 parts of vitamin C to one part, Vitamin K three, it causes cancer cells to turn on themselves into killed himself. And so when my pharmacist told me about this, like, whoa, okay, because he was a part of my cancer team. Yeah. And so he made a cream for me to put on my groin area to help prevent the burning. So I probably was spared a whole lot more burning than what I got, because I was using the cream, but I still did have some burning. But vitamin c, and k three. Turns out it's a it's a very high cancer killer it causes the cancer, the cells to turn on themselves and to kill themselves.
So keep that in the back of your mind. Because if I ever get it again, no, no. And that version is you do an injection each day, you know, like the the water bags, the solution base, so you do like something like that in a day. So if that isn't possible, then you can still do, I don't know if you know who Chris work is. He's got a site called Chris beat cancer. And he had major massive intestinal cancers and stuff like that. And now he's got doctors that work when he beat it, he didn't do the chemotherapy, I use all straight nutrition. And there's a lot of people that have found healing from cancer following his if not, not everyone, because not every cancer can be beat beat with nutrition. But that's what he does now. And he works in nutrition. And so he has a vitamin C, he's aware of that protocol. And I found a high quality vitamin C through him on Amazon. So I still take that as a, as a backup, you know, not every day, but you know. And if you do something like that, like if you can't afford the the the IV vitamin C and you're on your own, then that's the next step is to do it orally. Okay. And if you do it orally, what you do is, you start out with a high dose and see what happens is with a high dose, you immediately you're either going to absorb it and have no issues, or you're going immediately begin to have diarrhea. And so if you get diarrhea, then okay, that's the indicator that okay, that's too much. And then you we need to dial it down, and we dial it down until we no longer half that runs. And that's how we know how much our body's able to take at that time. And what's funny, is my body now can only take half of what I could do a year ago, really, so my body can tolerate as much vitamin C now because it doesn't have that need.
Vitamin C is a blessing. I mean, it does so many things. That's just another area. I've got a friend that is on her third round of chemotherapy. And so as she has a blood cancer, and so this particular chemo that they're doing on her now is just, I mean, it's really potent. And basically what happens is chemotherapy, it wipes out your immune system, and you have to start all over again. And I just if I've already got cancer, why do I want my immune system to start over again? Yes, you know, does more damage that it does good.
I've, I've often thought that that's often been my opinion and, and faced with my own cancer it was. Now what do I do right now? What do I do? And, and I am someone who is constantly on the lookout for a natural way to help my body so I'm having trouble sleeping. Melatonin was not in my wheelhouse. It just left me feeling hungover. Okay, every single day. It just what it didn't work for me and I didn't want I didn't want a prescription for anything. I just wanted to find something, right, this, this product that I'm using is amazing. It's the one to one one XL, I can only take half. It's a gummy. I bite it in half. One is too much. But it took a long time to, to search these things out. So talking with someone like you who can bring these things to the forefront and share so openly. And thank you for that because a lot of people aren't willing to they're embarrassed. By I mean, I can remember sharing about my colon cancer and a family member saying, Are you sure you want to be spreading that around?
I had cancer. But I'm a cancer survivor. That's right. I'm a survivor.
And that's even bigger. So I have no problem sharing the story. Yeah, it kind of feels weird saying I have animal cancer. You know, especially in today's day and age, isn't it? Yes, no. It's a very rare cancer. Out of about two and a half million people that are diagnosed each year about 7000, between five and 7000 are diagnosed with what I have. Generally, it's higher, predominantly higher in black men over 50 and white women over 60. The one that I have, and between then 80. And so but I'm not excluded, you know, others are not excluded, just predominantly high in those particular categories of people. And so but anybody is susceptible to it, you know? And the thing is, by you talking about it and sharing these things that you learned by going through this journey, there are lives that you are literally saving.
By speaking out. And, and being so open about it. There are still a lot of people who I talked to who won't even consider CBD who won't, won't even consider, like looking at a bottle of it. To me, I feel very strongly that if God puts something on this earth that can help you unless I'm willing to be a guinea pig. I'm willing to try a plant.
So there's 6000 years of recorded human history. That plant has been transferred and information has been transferred from generation to generation, from mom to child to mom's child, to dad to child to mom to child, all throughout history, until we got up to the 19th century. And then we decided to say oh, you know what, this is bad. We can't use this. This is making people wacko or whatever. And yet, there were Eli, Eli, Lilly, Pfizer, and another large drug pharmaceutical company that's still around today, those three, up until the 1920s. They all had a cannabis compound that was used for about 100 different ailments. And, and so once we illegalized that plant, all of that knowledge that was transferred throughout history and through time, and through, you know, gently each generation, we've lost probably 95% of that. Yeah, all of that knowledge that we should have that kind of a a real that's a terrible situation. Yeah, planned. You know, and God said in the word in the Bible that, you know, plants are here for our food, you know, and it's a plant that you can eat, and I eat it every day. Believe it or not, I eat it every day.
There's been so much research and proof on the healing properties. I know, when I was diagnosed with cancer, I was watching every documentary I could get my hands on. I just watched everything over and over again, because I wanted to live. And I didn't want to just survive, I wanted to come out healthier, and more whole and thriving than I had been going in to the journey. And then, I mean that my diagnosis was in December of 2020. My mom's was in May of 2021. And, and hers was so so far advanced. And I just decided they are holding my mom and she was dying in my arms, that I would use my voice to make sure this never happened to anybody else. Because it could have been, it could have been prevented. It could have been cured. There were so many things. And so when when we were talking before we started recording, I miss my mom, I will miss her every day of my life that I live. I miss my dad, I mean, I know that it's a normal part of life to lose people as you get older. And, and I won't let what she went through, go unspoken about. I want people to know, and I'm so I'm, your story has just, I'm very rarely left speechless. But I really, I really am left speechless. And I want to do everything I can to help get that message out there. I mean, you're living proof of what is truly possible. Yeah. When we attached to the right thing, which in this case is not the conventional way. Yeah. Correct. chemotherapy. Yeah. Yeah. And, and house. I have had people say to me, and my mom was one of them. I don't want to just get more sick and die anyway. And at that time, I just didn't have the same knowledge that I have. Now. I had no idea how to help her. I was giving her CBD by then she had by then she had I mean, she read your book. And then she was like, Can we get some CBD?
But she really was tapping into the whole to the whole CBD. conversation. And she loved your book. I think she read it three times, I found that I found it in her bed like in her bed close. When we were moving her into a hospital bed, she was still actively reading it. She was reading that and a book on brain health and a book on the blue zones. But she was reading when she was when she was dying. She never stopped. She was in a brilliant woman. And I'm just I want what can I do to help get this message out there?
David, how can I help you to keep spreading this message because it needs to be out there.
it's a daily thing is, you know, you don't always get a lot of opportunities to go out and and to talk and to share with people. But you know, on a stage, but you know, you still can. When you meet people talk with them. You can meet with cancer survivors and chat with them. You can meet with people who have cancer and chat with them, and be a support and share the things that you've learned. You know, for me, I share everywhere. So I'll tell you something else that's coming up and I will be sharing is in August. So we're in the year 2023 In August of 2023. I am turning 60 And so I'm a cancer survivor. Also, you know, in in my youth I wasn't at risk youth and I was always in trouble. And so this August for my 60th birthday. I am doing a 60 minute board breaking challenge with my martial arts school for a foundation to raise money for at risk youth. So the karate chopping boards for 60 minutes. Now I haven't done this before. But um, wow. I'm preparing. And so I'll have opportunities to be on the stage to talk because I will be part of the part MC I will be talking about, you know, overcoming cancer. And, you know, some of the challenges and some of the things that I used. And I'm going to try, so I'm going to have like, 30 vendor booths there at my event is going to be a huge event, I've already got the radio stations, we broadcasting live, I got 30, vendor booths, etc. And I would like to get a, a, a cancer support group there to be one of the vendors, and I'm going to give them a booth, you know, so they can land or to share, you know, so I will talk about this, you know, being a cancer survivor, you know, that CBD was a part of my, my treatment. And so I'll be sharing that. And that's what we'll be doing for my 60th birthday. Breaking Boards. And it's going to be that's going to be a crazy event. I'm having a lot of fun preparing, you know, hitting boards, preparing your hands, it hurts. It's not easy. But you know, when you break a board, then it's just like, it is so much fun. It's going to be for at risk youth and disadvantaged seniors, you know, so that's kind of going to be my platform, this this coming August to kind of share my story, who I am, why I'm doing what I'm doing, you know, and it'll be broadcast on 96. Three, that country station will be cool.
Let's get this message out there. This is important. This is literally a matter of life and death.
Journal Prompt:
What have I done today that has helped me overcome to help me be better in the future?