It's Okay to Begin Again
There are so many opportunities to do things that we used to think we're impossible to do. People all over the world are pushing boundaries and breaking stereotypes. So why not you? Why not you? It's not about age is not about education. It's about you. It's about your willingness to accept challenges. It's about you having the determination to break through of where you currently are. It is about you believing in yourself. It is not too late. It is not too early. You're not too old to begin again, you're not too young to begin again. And just because you have been doing something for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years doesn't mean you can't do something different now. Break free of your own limitations. How do you do that? Number one, gain a fresh perspective. What are limitations really. On the surface, it seems like they are things that prevent you from doing something. But if you dig deeper, you'll find out that all of your limitations are just yourself, keeping you constrained in a prison. Your limitations define the quality of your life. So if you keep having the same problems, making the same choices and taking the same actions over and over again, guess what? You're going to have the same situations until you change the way that you react until you change the way that you define the limitations in your life. Things are going to change it has been said that nothing changes until nothing changes. If nothing changes.
Nothing is going to change until you change, gain a fresh perspective, break free from those limitations. It is okay to begin again. It is not saying that you regret your life, not at all. Every step that you take in life is important. Every, every when every perceived failure is important to the next step in your life, gain a fresh perspective. It's how you perceive your reality. control how you look at things, you can't control the situations, but you can control how you look at them, and you control how you respond to them. Your reality is derived from the way you perceive things. So gain a fresh perspective. Number two, identify your challenges.
Identify your challenges, identify what is holding you back. Whatever your challenges are, write them down. And then write down possible solutions. At least three, identify the challenges, journal this, you know, I'm going to ask you to journal. I want you to identify those challenges and then write down at least three possible solutions. Number three, check in with your priorities. What are your values? What do you prioritize in your life? If you are truly determined to start over, and it's okay to start over again, it's okay to begin again. And if you are determined, make sure that the change you are making lines up with your values and priorities. More journaling, of course, maybe your priorities have changed. Maybe your current situation that you find yourself in aligned with a priority that you had when you began that, but maybe things have changed your kids have grown. Maybe you have learned more about yourself, and your priorities and values have changed. Take a look at that. check in with yourself. And then when you have done that, you have gained a fresh perspective. you've identified your challenges and solutions you've checked in with who you really are right now. Then I want you to really look at the situation. And know really get real with yourself that it is okay for you to begin again.
Your breakthroughs. Your breakthroughs are so crucial. And you won't have those breakthroughs until you sit down and really look at life the way that you want it to be. Your reality is derived from your perception. You can't control the things that are happening around you, but you can control how you react to them. identify what's holding you back. Check in with your values and priorities. And then find your hidden opportunities. Plan your next step just your next step. You can take the steps as you go. Invest in yourself and prioritize yourself. Time money energy. Invest in yourself, so to so that you can help your dreams become a reality. And then tap into motivation and good habits. Habit building, create new habits every day, work on them. Add one new habit at a time when it becomes a habit stack another good habit on top of that motivate yourself. motivate yourself every single day. You get to motivate you and that helps you plan your next step. And that happens when you invest in yourself and you prioritize yourself. prioritize what you're going to do with each moment, create deadlines for yourself. And by all means invest in yourself with time and money and energy. Get yourself an excellent coach. A coach will change everything for you. I would love the opportunity to coach you but if it's not me, then then find a different one. But get yourself someone who is going to hold you accountable. It is so okay for you to begin again. If life is pulling you in another direction, don't ignore the nudges Your soul is talking to you take the time to listen. Your journal prompt today goes back to those challenges. So your journal prompt today is to journal three or to journal your challenges. And then and then after you have identified them, right about three, a minimum of three solutions. And then I want you to write your name, comma, it's okay to begin again. I am your biggest fan. I know that your dreams are important and you are worthy of achieving them. You are worthy of living the life you desire.
And it is okay for you to begin again. I love you and I can't wait to talk to you again.