Life Lessons Through Unexpected Connections with Dave Moravec

Today, we’re chatting about something super important—finding joy and purpose in your career. If you’re feeling a bit stuck or just want to make a bigger impact, this episode is for you.

Discover Your Passion

“Follow your passion” is great advice, but how do you actually do it? We’re breaking it down with some easy steps to help you figure out what truly lights you up. We’ll talk about reflecting on your interests and finding ways to integrate them into your career. It’s not just about paying the bills; it’s about loving what you do.

Embrace Change

Change can be scary, but it’s essential for growth. We’ll share some tips on how to embrace change, whether you’re switching careers, starting a new business, or just tweaking your current role. Think of change as an exciting opportunity for growth!

Practical Steps to Take

  1. Self-Assessment: Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Knowing yourself is the first step.

  2. Networking: Connect with people who share your passions. It’s amazing what new opportunities can come from a simple conversation.

  3. Continuous Learning: Keep learning new things. It keeps you relevant and excited about your field.

Overcoming Obstacles

We all face challenges. This episode dives into common career obstacles and how to overcome them, from dealing with self-doubt to navigating big transitions. We’ve got real-life stories and practical advice to keep you motivated.

Before you go, think about your career goals. What’s one step you can take today to get closer to your dream job? And hey, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more awesome listeners like you.


Thriving Through Change with Jeannie Wickert


"Take a Mulligan" with Kenny and Brian Mulligan