One tiny shift that changed everything
One word Changed it all
I did a story a while ago where I talked about different things that I have been really delving into in my life - The number one thing is sleep.
And if you have followed me for a long you know that this is something that is has been my nemesis, it's It is my It is my Joker to Batman Batman's Joker, it is Captain America's I don't know, who were his number Nemesis is anyway, it's been the thing I have thought for years and years and years is adequate quality sleep. But when I look into all the things with sleep, every nothing is nothing is earth shattering. groundbreaking lack of sleep is lack of focus.
Lack of sleep means that your weight goes out of out of kilter because you don't have enough sleep so your hormones go out of whack. Lack of sleep brings on grumpiness, it brings on weird hunger. This lack of sleep does so much to destroy your body from inside to the outside. And your brain which is to me the scariest part, lack of sleep makes your brain look like somebody who has had multiple seizures. Hey, Lauren, thanks for joining in. It does weird stuff to your brain. Even worse than weird, it does dangerous stuff to your brain.
It is something that you must, you must gain control over. And this is what I realized I used to write at the top of my journal every single day, every single day, I honor my schedule, I honor my schedule. So I would have my journal in front of me with this is the wrong page that I have opened my push journal, this is what I use all the time. So I have my schedule all written out. And at the top I used to always write, I honor my schedule, I honor my schedule, to try and spur myself to make sure that I was consistently and everyday honoring what I set out for myself in my schedule so that I could reach my goals and do the things that I so want to do like competing in Toastmasters competitions, and writing a book and creating online courses and coaching you because that is my heart is helping you step into your power and do all the things that you want to do in your life. These are the things that set my soul on fire. So I would write at the top of my journal every single day. Hey, Martha, thanks for joining in every day, I honor my schedule, I honor my schedule.
But inevitably I would find myself behind before it was even lunchtime, because I was tired because I couldn't get up on time. Because I didn't go to bed on time because I didn't sleep well.
Here's the truth.
The hours before midnight is when you get your best sleep. So if you're crawling into bed at 10/11, midnight, you've missed your best time of sleep. I am a early riser at 3am my eyes will open. What I want in a perfect world is to jump out of bed between 430 and five in the morning, ready to go. My feet hit the ground running my schedule starts in my book at 6am. Actually, there's a 4am. So today, I started it at 5am. That's my perfect world. I love it. Love it, love it. But if I stay up late, it's very hard for me to jump out of bed early, because I'm too tired to do that. So then my schedule goes behind. And I can't get everything done that I want to get done. Because I haven't gotten up on time according to my schedule. So I couldn't honor my schedule, because I was always sleeping too late. Does that make sense? So I had to circle it around and see where exactly all of this breakdown was.
I honor my schedule. I honor my schedule, I honor my schedule.
That's what I thought would keep me on track. So I looked at it the other day and I thought Hmm, if I just change one word, if I change that word schedule to myself, it changes everything.
So instead of writing honor my schedule, I now write on the top of the page, I honor myself, I honor myself and by honoring myself, that means I'm in bed at nine and lights are out by 930 tops so that when my eyes open between 430 and five, I'm ready to get out of bed and I've had adequate sleep. And then guess what happens? I honor my schedule. And I am super, super productive because I'm awake. I don't get an afternoon slump. I don't need to take a nap. I still take time to meditate because I like to do that. But I can plan my whole day and know that I'm going to have the energy to attack it. Because I've gotten in bed I've gotten my sleep. I honor my self myself. When I wrote I honor my schedule. I couldn't stick to it. I couldn't stick to it because I was too tired to stick to it because I was up late. You know all this is watch one more episode of Vampire Diaries. Let's just let's just well here's the thing. By doing that I was not honoring myself. Honoring myself means I honor my body I giving myself adequate sleep when I give myself adequate sleep. I follow up the next day with giving myself adequate movement and nutrition. It is all a big circle. I honor myself the next day by giving myself adequate productivity. it all falls in line, I honor myself.
Yes. It's hard. I know that I staying up late with with your husband watch TV. I like to do that. I like that. But if I'm going to honor myself, I need to know that my schedule in my body clock I'm up. I'm up no matter what if whether I went to bed at one in the morning, or nine o'clock at night between 430 and five, my eyes are going to pop open. It's who I am. I literally cannot sleep in. And sometimes people say to me what to sleep in. I can't, I can't do it. I'm up, my brain is ready. Everything is firing, ready to go hit the ground running. But if I don't honor myself, and what I need, I can't serve others. I can't be productive if I don't honor myself first. So I challenge you to do that every single day. Write it on sticky notes all over the all over your house all over everything you go. If you have a push journal, I highly recommend it. If you don't use a push journal, please contact me because they're the best thing in the world. You need to have one, Chalene Johnson has done an amazing job with these journals. So you if don't have one. You got to contact me at the top of your push journal every day. I honor myself. My my nine o'clock on my push journal says bedtime. I honor myself.
If I honor my schedule. It's easy for me to break that. Honor myself.
I'm gonna stick to it. I hope that helps. I would love your feedback.