Start At The Beginning
We talk about why I'm so passionate about helping you step into your dreams, passions and purposes. As I like to say, stepping into your palpable shoes, and living the life that you were designed to live, not someone else's version for your life.
You know how we do that?
You know how someone tells us what we should be doing. And then we go out and do it. And we find out it's not at all at all what we want to do for our lives. But then we think we're stuck. But we're not. We are not stuck. And that's what this podcast is all about being empowered, empowered to step into those pow pow shoes to step into your life, the big life that's always been waiting for you. That's what this. That's what this podcast is all about is helping you find that purpose.
So when Episode Two came, I got stuck. Because I had all these ideas, all these things I wanted to bring to you. And I didn't know where to start. Which idea do I bring out first? Which thing do I talk about? First? It's not that I had nothing to talk about girlfriend, I got stuff. For years. I've been holding this inside me for a long time. And we got episode after episode after episode. So many people that I'm going to bring on an interview and you get to hear their expertise. We got stuff for decades.
My problem wasn't a lack of content. My problem was, what do I bring to you first? Where do we start? We're talking about empowerment, what is empowerment. It's taking control of your destiny.
It's embracing your self worth knowing you are worthy of all your dreams. It's making wise choices. Empowerment means you make your choices based on where you are being led in life, not what somebody else tells you to do. It's influencing others. It's influencing your children, your nieces, your nephews, the people, you work with your neighbors, your parents, your siblings, it's it's being that amazing influence. It's being healthy. It's taking control of your health. It's knowing that you deserve to take that time to take care of you. Whether that means a workout or a walk or choosing water or getting a massage or sitting in a bathtub. It means being your healthiest. It means walking in confidence. It means not shrinking back. Because you're afraid of something it means walking through the fear confidently knowing that you're following the dreams for your own life.
Empowerment is controlling the controllable and letting go of what you can control that's being empowered. It's knowing what your real potential is. And going for it. Not just sitting there going, ah, boy she had potential or she has potential. potential is a dream killer. We know what our potential is, then we go for it that's being empowered is going for it. It's financial independence. It's abundance. It's giving up that fixed mindset that you are where you are and that's all there is it's too late. You're too old. You should have done it in your 20s it's letting go of that and and embracing an abundance mindset. It's ditching the self sabotage.
Empowerment is all things mind. Sent nutrition, fitness, goal setting business building homemaking, overcoming obstacles.