Stop Searching For The Right Puzzle Pieces
We're talking about puzzles today. And I'm coming to you live from Covington, Georgia. At our favorite bed and breakfast, Kayla and I are here doing some work getting some some really clear pictures of what we want to do for the rest of the year. We are planning out our retreat that we are doing in November. If you want more information on that, please message me and let me know we are taking only six women to this amazing Bed and Breakfast in Covington, Georgia, the 12 Oaks, and we have the entire third floor, it's going to be an amazing time of business and relaxation, a really good mix of business and relaxation.
This is where we come to get creative. This is where we come to clear our minds and just get into a different space so that we can create more amazing things.
And we wanted to share that with our listeners and with our teams. So if you're interested message me and let me know the spots are almost gone. So if you want to get in, let me know. Okay, so I'm here at the 12 oaks outside, as you can probably hear some traffic in the background. And I want to talk to you today talk with you about puzzles. When I want to relax, I pull out a puzzle. And I always have a puzzle going in our house, my mom and I used to love to work on them together. My husband gets into them. And I was working on a puzzle. This week actually, we're visiting family in Blue Ridge, Georgia, and they have a puzzle up called the world of dogs from White Mountain puzzle company, which is by far the best puzzle company I have ever, ever, ever used for puzzles, I'll put a link in the show notes.
They're the best if you're a puzzle lover, or if you want to give puzzles to try. There's the there's the ones to us, they are just the quality of them is amazing. Okay, so working on this puzzle. And I had this picture in my mind of this piece. So when I do a puzzle, I'm constantly looking at the pictures and holding up the pieces to the actual, to the actual picture to figure out where that piece belongs. And I was looking for this piece in the puzzle. And I had a picture in my mind of what this piece should look like in order to fit in the space that I was trying to do. And I it was such a clear picture in my head of what this thing looked like. And that's what I was focused on. It's what I was looking for. And I couldn't find it anywhere I went through piece after piece picturing in my mind exactly what it was supposed to look like. My husband came up and I was like, I'm looking for this piece. And it's gonna look like this, this and this and it and it looks amazing. Well, what if it doesn't look like that? What if it's not exactly, or at all what you think it's supposed to be. So when we found the piece, when we found the piece, it was nothing like I had pictured nothing like I had pictured, was totally, totally different. Of what when, when I pictured what this puzzle piece was look like the way that the picture had been cut, the way that the pieces had been cut. It just, it was a totally different piece than what I thought it was going to be. I just got to let this motorcycle go on by okay. And it really hit me that we do this in life. We do this in life, we do this in business, we do this in so many areas of who we are. We are our if we look at our life as a puzzle, and all these pieces go in, and they fit so beautifully, right?
We may not understand a piece, but it goes into the puzzle. But what happens is that we try to plan every step out. And we know exactly what this puzzle piece is going to look like. And when we're handed the correct piece. We fight it because we think there's no way that could be the piece, there's no way that piece fits in. That's not what I thought it would look like. But that's the piece that fits in beautifully. We don't have to know exactly what the next puzzle piece looks like. We don't have to know every single detail. We just need to take the next step. And the next step. And the next step. Accept the puzzle piece as it comes. Knowing that once the puzzle is completed, it's going to be this amazing picture. When we try to control it, if I had tried to control that piece of the puzzle that I was looking for, and make it look like exactly what I thought it should look like the entire puzzle would have been thrown off. It wasn't what that piece was supposed to look like. But we do that with our lives, we fight the pieces that are coming to us. We fight them, and then we miss the piece that truly was going to make it look beautiful. Our eyes look beautiful.
The pieces don't always make sense. The cancer diagnosis made no sense to me. My mother's cancer diagnosis and dying 19 days later, definitely made no sense to me, being diagnosed with Lynch syndrome and in December made no sense to me. But this is what I'm finding that puzzle piece that I thought no way had any way or shape or form in my life. That puzzle piece that I thought I thought that I thought that piece of the puzzle that was coming was totally different. I expected 2021 to be this totally different year. And it was just not the way I expected.
It hasn't been at all the year that I planned. But the pieces that were handed to me are fitting beautifully and making up making the picture better than I thought it could be. Don't fight what life is giving you. lean into it. lean into it and claim your strength and make your life the beautiful masterpiece It was created to be. You weren't created to walk in mediocrity you weren't created to to be you're created to settle for less. You were created for greatness. So when you are handed these pieces that you think don't fit, take a step back, take a deep breath and know that the greatness is coming. And it's there. If you take a step towards it every single day.
Just put the piece in and let the puzzle create the life you were created to live. I hope this all makes sense to you.
This was such such a revelation to me. When he said to me when Gabe said to me, maybe that piece doesn't look like what you think it's supposed to look like. And I I just took a step back and stared at them and said that's life. We don't think this is the piece we're supposed to be getting. We don't think this is how it's supposed to look. But when we put it in, it fits like it just it just looks so beautiful when it's all done. It looks beautiful when it's all done. I love you I am your biggest fan. Your journal prompt today. Is this. The piece of the puzzle of my life that I thought made no sense is but now that I can look back, I see how it fit. fill that in what what are the piece or pieces of the puzzles of your life that you thought made no sense but when you look back now you can see exactly how it fit and then going Forward, no the pieces that are coming at you are there for a reason. And even if they don't look like you thought they should look, they fit in in a beautiful way. Your life is beautiful. And you were created for greatness. So go out there and live your biggest, boldest most amazing life.