The Energized Mindset with Karissa Jones

I am so blessed to sit down and chat with the lovely Karissa Jones. Karissa loves to make anything FUN. She points out that the path of least resistance does not mean NO resistance. But in that resistance, we can find joy and fun. She is energetic and positive while being realistic and authentic. We recently discussed how to keep an energized mindset. I am excited to share her wisdom with you!

What exactly can we do to keep an energized mindset as we embark on the journey to accomplish our goals and achieve our dreams?

  1. Focus hard on the things that make you feel good! The rest will take care of itself. What we focus on grows. So if we're constantly focusing on the negative and watering that garden, then that is what is going to grow. But if we're focusing on the things that make us feel good, that puts us in that momentum. What is the point of having bad thoughts anyways? They sure aren’t going to help anything!

  2. Work smarter, not (necessarily) harder. A lot of people still have the mindset that you have to work hard and sacrifice all the blood, sweat and tears. No pain, no gain. Everything worth having in life you have to suffer for. Right? NO! You do not have to suffer! Now, you can choose to suffer but how do you think will that work out for you?

  3. Keep the faith. Practicing gratitude daily will keep you focused on those positives. Trusting in a higher power to guide you through your journey will also help you along your way.

  4. Stay in a high vibrational frequency. People will match your energy. Who do you want to attract? Did you know? The emotion of shame is the lowest frequency the highest is empowerment. Write down those things that make you feel empowered and read them over and over to being your day.

  5. Remember the path of least resistance doesn't mean no resistance. Many people will confuse or misinterpret that choosing the path of least resistance means there isn't any and that's simply not the case. There is always resistance in life. Stress is not a bad thing. Remember, stress is what allows coal to turn into a diamond! We need to make sure our stress isn’t turning into distress though, and focus on finding the joy and fun in all situations.

I challenge you to say to yourself today, “I can't wait to see what magic is going to happen!” And then spend all day looking for it. See how this changes your life, I dare you!

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