What Do Leadership And Communication Have To Do With Menopause?
So what do leadership communication and connection have to do with menopause?
If you are a guy, and you just said I'm done with this post, don't click away just yet.. If you have anyone in your life, who is facing this or will face this one day, wife, daughter, sister, friend, mother, aunt, cousin, the list goes on. Stick with me. This is something that we all are touched by in one way or another this menopause thing that we don't understand, in this country, maybe in the world, but I'm going to focus on this country that we are in that I'm coming from the United States and I'm gonna guess this is worldwide.
There has not been enough done to understand this time of life. In a woman's journey. We are kind of written off, medical studies are dropped. We are dropped from medical studies when we reach an age because they don't know what to do with us. Our bodies change they don't know what to do with us. so we are given a whole bunch of misinformation.
I am fired up about this. I am done staying silent. I am a leader.
God has given me the ability to lead the ability to connect the ability to communicate. I am going to use it on this platform. Because there are too many women who are struggling with their confidence. They're struggling with their clarity. They're struggling with who they are, they're struggling with why they are doing all the things and seeing no results. And it is time to disengage from all of the misinformation that we have been given and tap in to the truth to tap into the truth. That's what we are going to do here I am going to bring some specialists on to talk about this I will talk about my own journey. I am going to talk about it openly. We're going to start here we have been given lies, we have been told that things that we could do to actually feel better about ourselves in this stage of our lives have are very, very dangerous and we shouldn't do them. But if we dig into the women's health organization and we dig deeper into a report that said that we should not take any hormones we find out that it is highly skewed and the experiment was done so badly. Lies. It is time to disengage from the misinformation and start tapping in to the truth. So guys, if you have someone in your life who was waking up in tears every day, because yet another pair of hands that we bought that was bigger than the ones before, don't fit, and we don't know what we're doing wrong.
Then we get, we get loving, great information from our gym that we joined that supposed to be helping us.
Listen, all you need to do is eat more protein, lift heavier weights, and work on your sleep and your stress. And we start doing all those things. And then then we're told, don't focus on the number on the skill, focus on how your clothes fit, but our clothes are tighter, then we start crying. You don't know what to do with yourself, the people around you don't know what to do with you.
We go into this dark spiral.
Our joints ache, we're seeing muscle mass decline, and we don't know what's wrong with us, we go to our doctor, and this is what we hear well, it's just the way it is for women your age. And I can't You can't take hormones because they're dangerous. What if we've been fed a pack of lies? What if there is help? Listen, if it was true, if what they were telling us was true, if we looked around us, everyone would be experiencing the same thing. Everyone in our in the spot of our journey that we are on this premenopausal menopausal, postmenopausal, maybe post ovariectomy, which is having your ovaries removed, please, if you're a doctor, and you're listening to this, and I said that wrong, please forgive me. But if you're in these stages of your life, and you're wondering what you're doing wrong, you're doing it right. If you have one more person say, “Well, it's because you haven't forgiven people from your past.” But you know, you have, and you want to scream and you want to cry, and you just want to go and dig a hole and sit in the hole because you don't know what is wrong. This is why I am speaking up.
This is why I am taking my unit, my leadership platform, my communication and connection platform, and really talking about this topic. We deserve to be heard. We deserve to know what is going on with our bodies. So when we go to our gynecologist and ask for a hormone panel, a complete hormone panel and they want they run one test and say, well, your estrogen is low. That's not an answer.
It's time men, to stop blaming ladies or thinking we're crazy, or putting up your hands and saying I don't know how to help. It is time for us to stop believing the lie that it is all our fault. It is time to stop believing the lies and it's time to start disengaging from those lies and stand up and take charge. This journey began for me a few years ago, and I have worked with countless people wonderful, wonderful people. One of them even said to me, there's something else going on. I just don't know what it is. I have felt frustrated.
I have felt over overwhelmed. I have felt overcome with shame and grief. I have had people look at me and say well, you did this to yourself Did I did I know? Did I do this to myself. moving my body every day getting adequate protein fiber, water, sleep, doing the personal development, doing the meditation, journaling, all those things that are awesome and I wouldn't give them up for anything. But then being told that I'm not doing enough. I don't accept that. So I went searching and I finally was given the name of a company that I will share with you not on today's episode but I will share with you as I be as I begin my journey. But they ran bloodwork that I have never even seen before. And they brought back numbers to me that were a wake up call. Most women feel really good with a testosterone level between 102 - 10, listen to this. Mine was 51, a DHEA level of feeling great between 250 and 300. Mine was 51
CRP levels were off. My marker that that points an auto immune response in my body that was off. My blood sugar was off, my cholesterol was off my estrogen progesterone dangerously low, just like the DHEA and the testosterone. So what do you do with those numbers? What do you do and you get these things back and you're like, Finally, there are some numbers that point to why I don't feel like myself. Why I go into these modes of dark depression, why my joints hurt, why I'm getting up every day and doing quote unquote, all the right things. But my body physically is going backwards. Knowing that I never wanted to be that person who couldn't get off the floor, or who looks like a toddler standing up, whose knees would on some days not even bend.
Then being told it was my own fault. I had to accept it because this the way it is.
My journey is just beginning. I'm going to be open and sharing it with you because I'm a leader. Because I'm a connector, because I'm going to communicate this to you. Man or woman, listen up, this will affect you. I can remember my dad, looking at my mom as she cried and not knowing how to do anything but hunger because there were no answers. There were no answers. I couldn't remember the last few years that my mom lived with us, she would barely eat because she was so desperate to lose weight. But nothing she did worked. I put weights in her hand. We did a weight workout every day together. But she wasn't building muscle mass. And I didn't know how to help her.
Fast forward, the same thing is happening to me. How can I lift weights consistently for over a year for over two years and actually see a decline? Well, a testosterone of 15 might be the reason why. Actually, it is the reason why all of these hormones that are dangerously low. And it's not just how we look on the outside, guys, it is heart health. It is bone health. I don't have my female parts, I don't have a uterus, I don't have tubes, I don't have ovaries, those were surgically removed. And there are 1000s, hundreds of 1000s of us in this boat. And it's time for us to stop accepting, accepting this lie that everything is our fault. And we just need to do more, eat more fiber, eat more protein, eat less carbs, move more, drink more water. Meditate more gentle, more work on our inner child more. None of those things are bad. I'm not saying to give those things up, I have to get a drink of water. I'm so fired up. None of those things are bad. They're all wonderful. But sometimes there's more. So disengage from the lies you've been told and be willing to jump into a journey of your own. Take control of your own self, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. I believe strongly that the things I am facing physically and emotionally right now are because I am supposed to start talking about them. I am supposed to bring them to you. I believe in a confident, clear life.
But when you are so depressed, it's hard to get out of bed. It's hard to claim that competence and clarity. When your knees hurt so bad. You can't walk up a set of steps. It's hard to claim that confidence and clarity. When you can't bend your knee and do a five stretch. It feels like you're doing something wrong and how can you be confident and clear in what you want when you don't feel good? When you can't think straight when you can't stay awake all day when you can't sleep. But we're told it's just the way it is. We're told it's just the way it is.
My journey on bio identical hormones will begin as soon as I have them in my hands. They have been ordered. I am so excited to bring you on this journey with me. It's time to stop believing the lies.
Stand up. Take that leadership stance. Take control of your own life, your own self. Be your own advocate.
There are companies out there that will actually run the bloodwork that you want and need. And if someone tells you it's true swayed is, and if someone tells you, you just have to accept it because of your age, or if someone tells you that it's time to give up, turn around and run the other way. Turn around and run the other way.
The is help out there. You don't have to keep settling for less than you deserve. There are people in this world who are 104 years old going skydiving, there are people in this world that are in their 90s that are hiking up mountains. There are people in their hundreds who live alone and live very wonderful lives. So, don't believe the lie that this is all age and that there isn't help out there? Yes, there is. There are things we can do for ourselves, physically, the way we move the way we eat. Absolutely, that is part of what we're going to talk about. But there are other things that we can do to supplement our body to give it a foundation that it needs for the growth we are looking for.
So, that's where we're going to be jumping in. And we're going to be talking about this in detail. And I will share my journey. Because it's time for us to be our own advocates, and it's time for us to stand up and take control. We deserve this. I am your biggest fan I do love you. I am your friend. I am speaking up because not enough people are. We are just we walk into a doctor's office, we get weighed, they shame us. They tell us our fault. They tell us that. That it's it's dangerous to take hormone therapy.
They tell us there's no other options. And they tell us to just deal with it. We're done with that. Disengage, be your own advocate.
Your journal prompt today:
What am I dealing with today that I no longer want to deal with? What am I dealing with today that I no longer want to deal with?