What it means to age…

Learning how to embrace age as a natural part of life glowing through each stage. Looking at life as a gift, rather than age being something that we're supposed to be hiding anti-aging this, and that what if menopause became something we actually started looking forward to rather than dreading it.

There are 1000s of women wondering what the secret is. I knew that I was me no matter what my biological age was. I knew that the better I took care of me and the better I researched what was the best for me health wise as I aged. I knew that I could be and do and say anything. Regardless of my age and now as I'm getting older and I'm closer to 60 than 50 I hear a lot: “Well at your age”, “women your age should”...I'm telling you I am going to lose it if I hear that phrase one more time.

It is it is a phrase that a angers me and it angers me most because most women believe it. I started researching: Invisible Woman syndrome. This is where most women over 50 feel unheard, unloved, irrelevant, invisible. In fact, I read an article on the internet of the 10 things women over 50 should not wear. And it was blue jeans of any kind, trendy jackets. sleeveless shirts, high heels, hair scrunchies trendy jewelry. White T shirts.

It blew me away. As I'm reading this list and realizing that I wear all these things, and I know plenty of “older women” who do. We hear that a lot more than we do the phrase older men and this is not about blasting men. We can take our power, and we can rise up and be the women we were created to be without blasting men. We don't need to do that.

You don't become greater and a better person by tearing someone else down. You become a better person by building yourself up. But I started looking at myself and thinking okay, what made me want to step into my power and step into my confidence and rise up and be the voice and take my voice back and speak out.

I want to cause a revolution of movement that women over 40 and over 50 rise up and say no more. Even over 30 I hear women in their 30s say gosh I wish I had my 20s back there is no turning back the clock. There is only today and moving forward.

We can learn from our past.

But trying to go back there is a waste of energy.

I am so tired of picking up things to say anti-aging. As if getting older is something to be dreaded. Something to be hated something to be oh like why why life is over. I have heard women say that especially women because in society we're very much told that we are very very much told.

I remember reading about Lucille Ball and she was told that she would never be cast as a leading lady again because she was “something ancient like 32” and should give up.

There are many many women rising up today. We have so many role models that we can look up to of women who have said no, my life is not over because I am any age. I woke up breathing today I have life to live. And here's the thing for every woman that rises up and joins the revolution, the movement of saying I will wear what I want. I will say what I want I will do what I want. I will not listen to the people who tell me what I should and should not wear, what jobs I shouldn't do, what I am not worthy of, and by the way do women over 50 enjoy sex? Yes.

Why are we afraid to talk about things that happen as we go through a normal part of life which is getting older every single day? Why are we not glowing through every single stage of life? I know plenty of women in their 80s and 90s that are so beautiful.

All of them glowing from the inside loving you for who you are is what creates that shining beauty on the outside.

And you can wear whatever you want.

You can wear whatever eyeshadow you want.

You can wear false eyelashes in your casket if you want.

You can color your hair or not color your hair, you can wear high heels, or wear sneakers, as long as it's what you truly want, and not what somebody else told you to do.

The first person who tells me I can't wear blue jeans, I'm going to go out and wear blue jeans, when I see them.

No one gets to tell us who we are.

We were born and created to be who we were created to be. And for for as many as there are joining, I started saying this for as many as there are joining this revolution, and joining this movement and saying, I will be who I am, no matter what my age is. There are 1000s behind her wondering where they get that confidence. There are 1000s behind her wondering how they can rise up how they can wake up every day and be that strong, competent person who if they want to start a business that's 63 or 73, or 83. They will.

There's no expiration date on when you get to make a change in your life. I started a new business after I was 50. And it was the best one of the best decisions I've ever made. But according to most standards in the world, “I’m way too old”. I'm way too old to be hosting a podcast. I'm way too old to be to be wanting to get on stages and speak and I do way too old to be dressing at trendy shops. But guess what, or to be shopping at trendy shops. But guess what I do. Because I don't care what society says. But I also know that behind me are 1000s of women who don't know how to do that. They have believed the lies around menopause that weight gain is inevitable, and you have no control over the hot flashes. And it's just going to happen and you're going to have osteoporosis and you're going to lose your mind and you're going to lose your hair.

These are all myths. They might be common in this country, but they are not normal. If it was normal, it means it happens to everybody. And it doesn't.

So what's the secret?

Behind every woman who has stood up and said “I'm not taking this anymore” are 1000s of women wondering “how they get to do that”?

How do they get to stand up and and defy societal norms? Go against it and say, “Ah, you don't get to tell me that. You don't get to treat me like that.”

That means you are someone and you deserve respect. And you deserve to rise up and you deserve to live the life you were created to live. And if that means stepping out and taking a chance and starting that business or writing that book or getting on a stage do it do it you created for greatness.

But society kind of gives us these undertones that you are created for greatness unless you don't go after it before you're 30 that it's just too late that's the undercurrent there and it's poppycock.

Ladies, we were created for greatness. Period, there's no qualifier on that.

Now, today, no matter where you are, no matter what age you are, no matter what stage you're in, you have value.

You are worthy and you get to rise up.

So if you are someone who has joined this revolution with me and you are on your mission let me know by DMing me on Instagram @iamcarrievee. And if you are someone who's saying, I want to, I don't know how then let me know. I’m here to tell you “You are!”


Things you need to stop doing at this age....


Unresolved Trauma of Aging