When Things Don't Turn Out as Planned
What do you do when you wake up every single day, living your life as if it was designed by somebody else? Someone else's dream, someone else's goals, someone else's plans? You literally feel like you're on the sidelines watching this life play out, and it's not the way you wanted it. Your answer is radical empowerment. I am pleased to announce that my book, The radical empowerment method is now available on Amazon, click the link in my show notes and grab your copy today. Step into your power pal shoes. Dig deep into who you are, why you're here and what you were created to do. Find you believe that you are worth every dream you dream simply because you are. I am your biggest fan.
I wrote this book for you get your copy today. What do you do? When things don't go as you planned? Something you planned a dream of vision. And it didn't work out exactly as you thought it might didn't work out like you wanted it to. And you find yourself feeling like, Oh, that was a failure. Isn't that where our brain goes, things don't go as we planned. And we automatically think, Oh, that was such a failure. Or even worse, I am such a failure. We're going to debunk that today. These things, these opportunities that come for you. And you take a step and you say yes. It's not always that opportunity. That is the end goal is a stepping stone. And if that opportunity doesn't go exactly as you had planned, it does not mean it was a failure. And it doesn't mean you are a failure. Absolutely. It means that you took a step on your journey, and you didn't know how it would work out. But you took a chance. Kudos to you. Things aren't always going to go as you planned. Often they're going to go better than you planned. And sometimes they might go a little sideways. And you can wake up and wonder Oh my gosh, why did I ever do that? I wasted so much time I wasted so much money. It was a failure. Not so not so we're going to talk about this today I'm going to debunk this. It's not a failure is a stepping stone. Everyone in life in business who was successful can look back and and point out the things they did that weren't exactly what you would call a quote unquote success. And yet as far as I'm concerned, you took the chance that makes you a success. It's about the journey. It is never about the outcome. The journey is the magic. The journey is what is so important in your life. I recently made a business investment that I was so excited about and I had all these hopes and dreams. I could see it playing out.
I began a CBD line and I called it CBD with Carrie V. It was to happen I have my flavors of CBD, it was supposed to be gummies. And it was supposed to be an entire skincare line and an entire pet line. bacon flavored for dogs and salmon flavored for cats. And entire skincare line for women a clean skincare line was CBD in it, it was to be gummies it was there was so much that I had planned for this line. And I thought the name was creative. When we worked on the label, it ended up being such a such a beautiful creative label. However, I am in the midst of dissolving the entire thing. And I'm being open and authentic about this because many times you see people sharing their wins. And you see people sharing about these great launches in this great new product. Or they they put their book out and they were on the top of the bestseller list the first day and you hear all of these highlight reels of people's lives. I'm going to challenge you the sometimes the things that people don't talk about belong in the highlight reel. This is one of those things. I'm going to be open and honest about my journey through this CBD line and why we're shutting it down. It's not at all what I expected. And I'm going to share three, three main things that I learned number one, trust your instincts from the beginning, trust your instincts to too as you're going through the journey and things feel off. Take a step to find out why. And number three, don't be afraid to walk away. I was taught most of my life to just stick with it. Stick with it. You started it, you're going to finish it. I agree with that on some levels. In this instance, the best thing I can do is to shut this town. So let's go back to Lesson One. Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts. When I decided to launch this CBD line, I was so excited because I had thought about it. I was like oh CBD with Gary Vee. It goes right along with the podcast is coffee and tea with Carrie Vee. And I in in my books what I'm when I am introduced on stage, I'm Carrie Vee and I thought ah CBD with Carrie Vee that's got such a catchy ring to it. And I loved it. And I and I was presented with the opportunity with a startup company to partner with them. I went down I trusted their I trusted the production. I trusted the way that they that they handled the CBD production from the growing of the plant to extracting the CBD to the way they bottled it. The cleanness of it I was very, very impressed. However, when I called to give a credit card number for the down payment, which was when you when you partner with a company you buy in, when I called with my business credit card to buy in, I was told well we kind of don't want to use a credit card we'd rather have a check. And it was something about this reason of if we run the credit card here, though, it goes through the whole building. And I am I immediately thought this doesn't make sense. This doesn't make any sense. My instincts immediately told me to not go through with it. Because I felt like I was being told a story. I felt like they were hiding something. I felt like there were not being on the up and up. I put everything on my business credit card is how I it's easier for taxes. It's easier how I can keep track of things. I do everything with that card. And to be told I couldn't use it because it was like they were going to run it in one part of the building and it would go over the airwaves and the whole building and they didn't want people seeing and it just it didn't make any sense. And my instincts immediately said don't do this. This is not the company this is not the time. But I had already been talking about it and I was too embarrassed to not go through with what I said I was doing
Lesson number one Trust your instincts, Your Body Keeps the Score and I literally felt achy all over. But I took a check down, and I bought in with a contract. And then I started to, I started to get the two flavors of CBD, peppermint and blueberry. I had them in my 750 and my 1500 milligrams, and that was okay. But I wanted to move forward with my entire product line that we had talked about. When I bought in to the company, and bought into my product line. I had a vision for this entire line, and I told people about it. And every time I would send an email and say, Hey, are we getting anywhere on the product line on the on the health on the skincare line? And I every time I would be told about two weeks, about two weeks, about two weeks. Again, the pit in my stomach was huge. Because if I heard, it'll be two weeks, again, I was going to scream. When are we going to have the marketing materials? When are we having the education with my sales reps, and you and it was always Oh, we'll do that next week, or we'll do that in two weeks, and then meetings would get cancelled. It was so frustrating. But I kept pressing forward, which goes into lesson number three, I kept pressing, I kept trying to make it happen. Because I didn't want to be considered a quitter. I started something I was gonna finish it. And I kept trying to make this thing work that wasn't working. I would tell people who had who had agreed to keep my to have my line to talk about it on their stories or to put it to have it with their clients. When is the skincare line coming out? Oh, about two weeks. Do you know how many times they want to hear that and not have it in their hands before they're like, Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be two weeks. And I kept trying to make this thing happen.
Knowing it wasn't going to happen. Number one, I did not trust my instincts at all. Number two, I kept trying to make something happen. That wasn't going to happen. And number three, I didn't want to pull the plug because I was so embarrassed. I wanted this to work so badly. I didn't want to be looked at as a quitter. Oh, I barely got this started. And I'm walking away. But I will tell you this, the piece that I felt, when I decided to say I'm done was so overwhelming. It's the piece I would have felt months ago, when they gave me this reason as to why I couldn't use my credit card. That's the same piece I would have felt then if I had listened to my instincts. The piece of quitting, this has been over whelming. And it's why I'm sharing it with you. One of the lessons that we are one of the things that we get taught a lot is that you keep going and you keep going Listen, the insanity, we've heard it over and over again, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and again and expecting to get a different result. It's insane. May trying to get a different result. Doing the same thing, trying so hard to get all these different results by and I was doing the same things. It wasn't going to happen. And it was time to pull the plug on this on this project. And people have asked me Well, are you going to try other companies? No, not right now. Maybe never. I don't know. But right now, no. Right now I am simply pulling the plug on this part of my business and that's okay. I am now trusting my instinct. I am giving myself grace. And I do know that the lessons I have learned through this are invaluable and it's why I'm sharing them with you.
I don't regret this part of my journey. I have learned a lot about me. I've learned a lot about the business world. I learned a lot about who to trust and who not to trust. I have learned how to move forward Despite a perceived failure
I don't, I don't view this as a failure. I view this as an opportunity that I took. And the journey has taught me so many lessons. And if you talk to business owners, and they are real with you, and honest with you, they will tell you that they have had things not go the way they planned. If they're honest with you, not everything is a raving success. But you don't know what works and what doesn't work until you take a step. I've learned so much about myself through this project. I have learned so much about others through this project. I have learned to trust my instincts more. I have learned when it's okay to pull the plug on something. And I've learned it's okay to give myself grace and say, okay, it didn't work. And it's all right. And it's okay for you to and your personal life and your business life. Be open to the lessons that are coming to you. The journey is so full of lessons if you are open to them. If I was truly open this journey would have been if I was open to lessons, this journey would have ended a while ago.
But I don't regret being involved in this. I don't regret what I've learned. I've learned that sometimes sometimes partnering with someone who already has that product line and becoming an affiliate. That's pretty cool. It is okay, when things don't go as you expected. Show yourself grace, learn the lessons, and then move forward. Move forward. I've talked before about clearing space. Stop stopping this project. cutting my losses and moving forward has cleared so much space for speaking opportunities. And for writing my next book and planning my next program. It has given me time and space, something that is not taking up time and effort now, all this space is open. And I'm so excited for what is coming next. Don't be afraid to clear space in your life. Sometimes the things that don't belong, need to go in order to make room for the things that do belong. But we try so hard to just keep holding on because we think people are gonna say oh my gosh, really that was that was a failure. I'm so sorry. No, it's not a failure. You learned. I learned now we clear space and we move forward. I will always be open honest and authentic with you. In my life and in my business. It's what it's it's what I am called to do. It is okay, to clear space. It's okay to let go of something so that something better can come in.
People will ask me sometimes, Oh, you went to school for your MBA and you don't really even use it. You know? Don't you ever regret all that time? Oh, no. I learned so much about myself about what I can accomplish. And when I left my corporate life I made room and space for being with you on this podcast for the books that I write for the courses that I that I have online. For my coaching clients for speaking at events speaking at corporate events. So much room was made by leaving that corporate life that would not have been made if I had thought, Oh, I can't I can't this is where I am. I have to stay here. This is what I started. I have to finish it. It's okay to make changes. Trust your instincts. Recognize be present in your life and understand what is going on and then don't be afraid to stop and make another path It's okay to make changes don't stay stuck because you're too stubborn to admit. That is time to make a change.