Meredith Farr Meredith Farr

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"Working with Carrie has transformed my mindset. Before she started coaching me, I was so afraid to take the wrong step, I was too afraid to move. With Carrie's encouragement and teaching, I am overcoming hurdles manufactured in my own mind and seeing results! Thank you so much, Carrie...not only for believing in me, but also showing me it's OK to believe in myself."

- Theresa

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Meredith Farr Meredith Farr

"Radical Empowerment changed my life.

My confidence raised. My mindset changed.

Radical empowerment taught me how to value myself.

As a result, I changed jobs during the pandemic and received a $10,000 raise. I’m back in school at an accredited university and I bought my first home."

-Sally Smith

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Meredith Farr Meredith Farr

"First I'd like to start by saying this is an honor and privilege to share this with you.

In 2019 I stumbled on a free challenge and it led to another journey called the Radical Empowerment Method.

Now it's time to share where I was. I always knew deep down there was something I was put here on earth to do, What and how was the issue?

Then along came CarrieVee . I was dabbling with essential oils when I first came to the program, as time went on and led me in a different direction.

Carrie and this amazing group of women that I now call family inspired me to truly see me. We cry together and laugh together and share our most intimate feelings and through it all Carrie showed us how to brainstorm together. She has given me the tools to keep going no matter what. If the 1st plan doesn't work out there is another one.

Today I can Proudly say, I am a Certified Life Coach and a Motivational Speaker.

I travel to many states and love to share with women today just how Amazing they are, and to step into their confidence.

I am a Business owner and an Entrepreneur.

I'm forever grateful to CarrieVee for her insight and what she gives to everyone as an individual. It's a life changer.

I believe with all my heart, it started with my first step taking the Radical Empowerment Method."

-Linda Young

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"When I met Carrie Vee, I had no idea that “personal development” existed, let alone that it and she

were about to change my life forever. Carrie is so many things to me….a business coach, a life coach, a

cheerleader, an inspiration and a friend. She has taught me to listen to my own thoughts and

encouraged me to act upon them.

Now, I have three online businesses and I am in the process of starting a new chapter in my life. That

chapter is entitled, “I ROCK, AND I AM CAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING”!

Carrie has taught me to dream BIG! And, that’s exactly what I’m doing."

-Tammy Wells

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