Your 30 Day Guide to Gratitude is available for you NOW
Gratitude will change your life. Grab your journal and prove it to yourself
I was able to launch my 30 day guide to gratitude on Amazon finally available.
Why? Why a book on gratitude? Why does it matter? Why is it important?
Gratitude increases your overall well being. It makes you more aware of how amazing life is. Gratitude increases your productivity. Gratitude helps you sleep better. Gratitude helps you heal past and present hurts, and live a more abundant life. Gratitude is so majorly important that I have made it a key in my signature radical empowerment method to help you live your most amazing life become the best you that you can be. Gratitude is a keystone. And I have made it a keystone of the radical empowerment method. And for those of you who have been through it, you know that it is something that I stream through the entire online program. And when you work with me one on one, we talk gratitude all the time. Because no matter what is going on in your life, gratitude is the key to getting through the hard times and making the more times the good times even more amazing. Gratitude is your key.
It's crucial to live that life of gratitude. And when I'm working with someone one on one or in a group or in my program, it's written gratitude, written gratitude, not just saying, Hey, I feel thankful for but actually writing it out pen to paper. Because when you do that, when you pick up your pen, and you write it on paper, pretend this is paper, don't what you can write it on your hand, I don't care, but you write it down. What happens is the very act of writing takes it from your pen to your brain, it creates a neural pathway and it cements it in your head. So if you look around you right now, right now, and you and I said three things, choose three things that you're grateful for right now look around, name them, name them, then take a piece of paper and actually write them down, write down everything that you are grateful for, even if you're going through a really horrible time in your life.
Last week, I sat in the hospital with my mom in the ER for over 24 hours before they could get her room and it ended up that she had blood clots in her lungs, both lungs, really hard to find something to be grateful for. When that's all you're focusing on. And I found my head going there. I found my head swirling out of control with all my gosh, this is not a good diagnosis. What are we going to do? How are we going to get through this is she going to be okay? That was all I was focusing on. When you're focused on the negative things in your life. That's what you create more of in your brain, in your heart in your mind and your soul, and it's not a good place. So I started to look around the room. And and I started to jot down things I was grateful for. I didn't have my journal with me. I had a piece of paper that I found in the room and I had a pen and I just started jotting things down. I was really thankful for the heparin drip that was going in her that was going to help start stopping the growth and eventually start to break down these blood clots. I was thankful for the machines that they were able to put her on, I was thankful for modern medicine. I was thankful for this CT scan that was able to diagnose her I was thankful that there wasn't an underlying COVID diagnosis. I was thankful for the nurses, I was thankful for how attentive they were to my mom, I was thankful for the cafeteria. And for the coffee that was in the cafeteria, I was thankful that they eventually found her bed up on the unit. And I was thankful that I felt safe leaving her in their hands so I could go home and get some sleep.
Just jotting things down, that you're grateful for even in the midst of a really hard situation will bring your mind around and start a healing in your heart. Before I went to bed the night that I got home so we were in the ER for a long time. And so when I finally got home and could fall into bed a full 48 hours or more than 48 hours from when we actually got to the hospital. The first time I grabbed my journal and I wrote I just jotted down three things I was grateful for and I was able to sleep so much better. I promise you that it will increase your sleep. But the number one question I get from people is how do I start? You're telling me that it's important to write out gratitude. I don't even know where to start.
That is why I wrote my 30 day guide to gratitude. Because sometimes we just need that guide. We just need that push to get going. And throughout the 30 days. I give you a gratitude prompt. I give you an example and then space to write and Decorate if you want to. I love to doodle around the edges but you don't have to, you can just be straightforward, but there's space on every page to write. And it's the perfect size to just pop it in a bag and take it with you or carry it with you. If you want to keep it on your nightstand keep it on your desk, pop it open first thing in the morning, it will guide you through even things like being thankful for your dirty dishes, being thankful for dirty clothes and laundry that you need to be putting away. It will walk you through 30 days. So by the end of the 30 days, you can either go through it again, do it all over again, or graduate to a journal where you are on your way to practicing gratitude written gratitude on a daily basis. It is your jumpstart into a daily practice of written gratitude.
Because Listen, I know we say oh, we're entering the holiday season. This is the holiday This is the season of being grateful. No, every day, every single day is your season to be grateful every day, there is not a single day that goes by that you should not be grateful for everything in your life. You can always find something to be grateful for, if you choose to. Always, always, always. So when I start to think, ah, I don't mind doing laundry, listen, people. I love doing laundry. I actually love the smell of clothes when they come out of the dryer. And I love the act of folding them. I don't like putting it away. I don't. But here's the thing. The very fact that I have laundry to put away means that I have clothes, which if you take that back then I had money to buy them which means that I had a job that was giving money me money to buy the clothes, there is always a circle of gratitude. And it's up to you to choose it.
What are the benefits after going through the this 30 day practice? Like what are some things that people get to look forward to on the other side?
Greater productivity. sleeping better a life of fulfillment, more productivity. It just gets you centered. If you pass trauma, present trauma, it helps you heal and become more forgiving, which also makes you sleep better and less stress. Gratitude is everything. It's a buzzword that needs to stay a buzzword, we need to be thankful all the time, not just one day of the year where we go around the table and eat turkey and talk about what we're grateful for is to be every day.
My 30 day guide to gratitude will help you so run to Amazon, grab that book, leave your review for me and let's do this. Be grateful. Live your life the most amazing way that it can be lived.
I love you. I'm your biggest fan.