Being Self Made

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It's time for you to step off the sidelines and into your own life, the one you were created to live, it's easier than you think. I believe in you. In fact, I am your biggest fan. So let's get started. What do you do when you wake up every single day living your life as if it was designed by somebody else? Someone else's dream someone else's goals? Someone else's plans? You literally feel like you're on the sidelines watching this life play out and it's not the way you wanted it. Your answer is radical empowerment. I am pleased to announce that my book the radical empowerment method is now available on Amazon click the link in my show notes and grab your copy today. Step into your powerhouse shoes. Dig deep into who you are, why you're here and what you were created to do. Find you believe that you are worth every dream you dream simply because you are. I am your biggest fan. I wrote this book for you get your copy today. I will be the first to say that today's episode may ruffle a few feathers, feathers. It may make a few people or a lot of people say what the heck is she even talking about? We're talking about this self made theory. When we have a podcast, this one or any podcast or anything you listen to or read take the opinion the advice that is given shake it keep what fits you and let go of the rest. We will never agree on everything. And I will always attempt and plan to bring you many opinions on many topics. This one is my opinion on this topic of the self made man or woman to me there's something very wrong with this self made theory self made conjures up in May pride, ego arrogance, insecurity ignorance, because it because it it denies and ignores contributions of others. I understand the theory behind the phrase self made. I did this myself.

But a real leader doesn't take credit. They give it take real leaders take responsibility for all their failures and shortcomings. And they are constantly lifting others up. For me. Every good thing that has happened to me over the years has been the result of people that have poured into me collaborative efforts. My parents, my coaches, books, mentors I've listened to there are so many people that have poured into who I have become family, friends, people that have bet against me, advisors, teachers, teachers who taught me how to read and write mentors who encouraged me to write mentors who encouraged me to compete in vocal competitions. People who encouraged me to join Toastmasters and compete and then gave me feedback to help me write a better speech. savvy leaders seek out help and their success then is not self made. It's collaboratively made. It is up to you and it is up to me to do what we are taught to go forward as we are challenged. I will be the first to admit that where I am today wouldn't have happened without the people that poured into me. I didn't know the first thing about building a business, starting a podcast, recording live videos on Facebook and Instagram, creating an email funnel, I had no idea how to do any of that. People poured into me to teach me. I needed to learn how to operate beyond my own limitations. I did that with the help of people around me. My coaches, amazing, amazing people.

My dad who believed in me, my mom, who gave me wings to fly. My husband who stays home and takes care of the house, the dog, my mom when she was living so that I could go out and do my thing. give credit where credit is due. Smart leaders, successful people understand that giving away credit is giving away credit where credit is due, brings growth. It's a multiplier. go out of your way to help others. People have helped me along my way. I want to reach out and help others on their way.

Being self made, I understand it has a lot of of groundwork and being focused and going out there and making it happen. And from that standpoint, absolutely. And I'll put it in air quotes self made. Makes sense. But if you're going to follow that all the way through and say that no one helps you get where you are I question that your success is built on what you have learned. I couldn't read or, or understand how to start a podcast if I'd never been taught to read in the first place. Everything we do we learned from someone whether it was someone physical who taught us or we looked it up on YouTube. Somebody has poured into us in order for us to move forward every single day. Yes, your self motivation matters. 1000 bajillion could trillion percent. But the team that's supporting us. That team is part of what makes us who we are. So my opinion on self made is different from many, many people's opinion. I believe I am team made. I believe that where I am today is a direct result of what I have done with what has been poured into me positive and negative. People who told me I couldn't do it. I was going to show them I could people who told me my dreams didn't matter. I was going to show them Yes they do. And the people who supported me 100% I am so thankful for I didn't get 55 years all by myself. From the very beginning, someone was taking care of me and teaching me and telling me I could be anything I wanted to be.

Except for those teachers who told me I couldn't and I wanted to determine to prove them wrong. As you move forward on your journey in life, recognize the people that have poured into you and understand that without them without the lessons, the challenges, the encouragement, the love the support. You may not be where you are today, or headed where you are headed today. Be thankful for the team that has been behind you and will continue to be behind you as you grow. Your journal prompt today is this. The team the team that has helped me grow includes these people, write them all out. And then be sure to thank them even if it's Hey, you know that comment you made to me. I appreciate you making that comment because I still For myself to that English teacher, thank you for encouraging me to write. To that math teacher, thank you for not giving up on me. to that person who stays home while you go to an event. Thank you for holding down the fort. Make your list. It's interesting to see in writing how many people have truly made you who you are sharing my opinion today, I am your biggest fan.


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