Clear Space

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Have you ever cleaned out your closet? I mean really cleaned out your closet. Taken absolutely everything out down to bare shelves. And walls is quite a process. I've done it. And the reason that we took everything out of our walk in closet absolutely everything is because there was no room for anything in the closet. It was stuffed full of stuff.

Things we weren't using any more clothes that we weren't wearing any more shoes that we weren't using any more papers upon papers in piles that we didn't even know were there. Stuff full of stuff. And when we put it all back in the closet, what we realized is that we weren't putting back almost anything. Some of it was garbage. Some of it we truly wanted to keep and most of it we donated when we pulled everything out of that closet, we realized we were holding on to things like clothes that didn't fit, maybe things we bought, and we got them home and didn't like them but didn't want to take them back to the store. And now they were in there with tags on them. And so of course you can't get rid of them because you feel guilty that you quote unquote paid money for this thing and I can't get rid of it. That was a run on sentence. dresses you wore in a wedding and you know you'll never wear them again. gowns bought for a special occasion, suit spot for a special occasion, shirts bought for a special occasion.

Things that never quite fit right or when you put them on they just make you feel that but we hold on to these things because we paid money for them or because so and so gave it to us or oh my gosh, I wore this at this event and I don't want to forget the event. So I better hold on to the outfit. You know that's not the way memories are made. But we hold on to all of these things. And then when there's something that we really truly want, we can't fit it in the closet. How many of you show of hands on this is no judgment, no judgment. How many of you go to put something in your closet or your drawers and nothing else will fit Nothing will fit. And when you pull your clothes out, they're always wrinkled because they're so shoved in a drawer or a closet. Remember, no judgement. I told you we cleaned out our closet. But I haven't talked about my dresser drawers yet. That's for good reason. no judgment here, guys. But if you want room for the things you truly want, and if you want the things you have to stay looking nice, you got to clean the closet out, you have got to clear space, clear space for what is truly important clear space for what you truly want clear space, clear space in your closet, and your dresser drawers in every area of your house. If you want your favorite things to really pop up, get rid of the things that you don't want or need. Seriously, get rid of them.

Have you ever walked into someone's home and it's so beautifully decorated?

And you're like, wow, I really love this. Do you know why your eyes are drawn to things because they actually can be when you are in a cluttered space. Whether it is someone else's or your own, you are immediately filled with stress and tension. Order brings peace and calm. All the clutter brings chaos. We've talked about this before. And to fit in what you really want. And to notice what you really love, you've got to get rid of the clutter, you've got to clear space. This is true emotionally as well. If you want to be radically empowered, you must clear space. This is something that we talk about in the radical empowerment method program. We talk about it in the book that is coming out really soon. If your name is not on the waitlist, get your name on that waitlist, there is some fun stuff coming for those of you who have your name on that waitlist for the book, which is coming out if you're listening to this, when it launches about a week, the radical empowerment method, we talk about this concept of clearing space in your life. getting real with yourself, what are you holding on to that is no longer serving you or maybe never did toxic relationships, jobs that you hate, a disbelief in yourself fear of chasing your own dreams. What is filling the emotional space in your life that has no business being in your life. Because until you clear that out of your life, there is no space for the things you do want. Until you get rid of the toxicity, there's no room for empowerment. Until you read that space of the emotional trauma that keeps you stuck.

There is no room for the empowerment that moves you forward. Just like that closet full of things so full that not one more thing will fit in there. To get in that dress or that suit or that pair of shoes that you really want. You've got to clear space first. It's the same in your emotional life. If you want to be radically empowered, you've got to let go of the things that are no longer serving you. We start by getting real with what those things are. And then we move into truly letting go of them. And then we move to moving in the empowered actions clearspace your journal prompt today is this.

One thing one thing that I will clear from my emotional space this week is and the reason I no longer accepted into my life is this. One thing you're clearing and the reason why you deserve joy and hope and freedom and you deserve radical empowerment. It is yours. It is yours. Are you ready to welcome it into your life.

Clear the space.

Let's get ready to move forward together.


Being Self Made


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