Easier Done Than Said
We've all heard the phrase "easier said than done" - we've probably said it 100 times ourselves. We use this phrase as an excuse to get out of doing the things we know we need to be doing. So today I'm challenging you to flip the phrase!
The phrase “easier said than done” dates as far back as the 15th century. It was sometimes also expressed “sooner or better said than done.” At the end of the day, we are using this as a catch all. And if I am being honest, an excuse. We use this to get out of doing things we know we need to be doing. Or maybe even beginning.
But what would happen if we flipped it? We spend an incredible amount of time and energy thinking about things that we want to be doing, instead of actually doing them.
What if we took all of that energy that we have put into talking about something and actually took a step towards those goals. Today. Now we aren’t wasting time or energy talking about something, but we are actually doing it.
I challenge you today: no more talking about it. Now we start taking the steps. Put the desires of your heart out there! You are never going to have the life of your dreams if you don’t. What things are you going to make a reality for yourself today? All you have to do is begin.