I Got Fired... Now What?

Have you ever been fired from a job? I have. It's such an isolating feeling. Especially when you didn't see it coming. If you're struggling with what your next steps might look like, I'm giving you top tips here!

What can you do if you have been fired from a job?

I want to focus specifically on emotional steps to take when you have been terminated from a job.

  1. Stand strong in your faith - spend some time in prayer and meditation. Sometimes we are too afraid to take the step and do what we know we need to do, so God will make the way.

  2. Stay calm - getting frustrated or anxious is not going to help. Consider all of your options - know there is always a solution. Read a book, take a walk. Focus on not panicking!

  3. Process your emotions - it is normal to be hurt and confused. Take time to process these feelings. We are human beings with emotions. It is hard to go through this, so be sure to feel it all.

  4. Care for yourself - prioritize your mental and physical well being. Get enough sleep, eat a well balanced diet, and make sure you are getting exercise. If you feel you need professional help, do not be ashamed to reach out to a counselor to sort through your emotions. Practicing gratitude is another great place to begin if you are feeling lost.

It is so easy to spiral into a depression when going through a big life change like this. Promise me you will do your best and follow these tips! It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!

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