Influencing Others To Succeed
But where you get your CBD oil is extremely important. You want to make sure the product you are using is third party tested and that is certified organic and H A CCP and GMP certified. If you want to ensure that each batch is tested for pesticides and heavy metals as well as microbes and mycotoxins and residual solvents. You want to make sure that the amount of CBD oil listed on the label is actually what you are getting and ingesting because I believe in CBD oil and all of its benefits and because I also believe in ingesting only high quality foods and supplements. I decided to search for a company I could partner with in order to offer that high quality supplement to my clients friends and family. CBD with kerevi is a certified organic third party tested high standard and quality CBD oil product. Talk with your healthcare provider and see if CBD oil is for you. And then head to my website at coach carry and get a bottle of CBD oil for yourself. currently available in blueberry and Kuhlman textures. There is a flavor for you. I actually put a drop or two of the cool mint CBD and my afternoon espresso and it is amazingly delicious. And coming soon begun flavor for your dog and salmon for your cats because hey, it's good for them to head to the link in my show notes. Use the code carry the at checkout for 10% off your order and enjoy a healthier life. Welcome back to coffee and tea with Gary Vee. I am Carrie Vee, your host, your content creator, your biggest fan and I love you. We're going to talk today about influencing others to succeed. How do you how do you influence others to succeed? Can you influence others to succeed? And what is the best way to go about doing that? Well, number one, yes, you absolutely can influence others to succeed. And your words are so powerful, so so powerful. When you help someone else believe in themselves, you help them reach new levels of success. It's the way it works. When people speak life into you, you are more able to achieve your goals. And when you speak life into others, you help them achieve their goals when you help them to believe that they can. And then you show them that you want them to succeed. Success happens. Your words are so so powerful. tell your story. tell your story. Your words will help others see into the future things that they can't see on their own yet, because here's the thing, things that happened to you in your life, put you on a path and when you make wise choices and you choose to see things that are happening in your life is happening for you, and not to you, and you choose to rise above, and you choose to succeed. And you choose to take everything that happens in your life and turn it into a positive. When you do that, you are able to help someone else on their journey, they may not be as far as you are on your journey. And so you get to take your words and pour in to them, you help them see what's possible with your story. But here's what happens. So many times, we just keep our stories to ourself. We just think nobody really wants to hear them, or that's not really gonna help anybody, or how could I really help anybody with that story, you don't know how many people you can help with your story with your words, if you don't ever speak them. You may, there may be someone in your life, a friend, a co worker, a spouse, a child, a family member, somebody in your life, it could be a stranger you meet in the grocery store, you know how conversations just start to happen. When you go out in public, when one more allowed out in public conversations, just start sitting on an airplane or sitting in the airport or in a in a train station, we start to make conversation. And we start to tell our story. And the person will say, Oh my gosh, I needed to hear this today.
You don't know who needs to hear what you have to say, if you never say it, somebody is waiting for you to speak up and say somebody is waiting for you to speak. Somebody is waiting to hear your story. Words are food for thought. And sharing your story with someone and then being able to hear it. That's when miracles happen. That's when you begin to believe and they begin to believe that so much more is possible. So much more. So when I share about hearing the words, you have cancer, so many people have come back and say I needed to hear that I went through that years ago or I went through that last year, or I'm facing that now. And I don't know how to navigate those waters. Can we work through this together. But if I never say anything, no one can hear about that. No one gets to hear that I've been through it. Or going back to 2005 when I was a living kidney donor for my dad. That is something I talk about freely because there are people out there who need to hear that story. And you never know when it's going to come up. A couple of years ago, I was at a convention where I ended up sitting with some perfect strangers. I'm using that in air quotes at lunch. We didn't know each other before then we don't live in the same state. We don't even live in the same timezone. But that conversation came up when she asked me about my story. And I was talking about that. And she stopped and she said, Wait, can we talk about this more. And she shared a situation that she was in where she was really feeling pulled to be a living kidney donor to a to a young girl in her church. I didn't know that. I had no idea that simply sharing that tiny piece of my whole life story was going to impact someone so much that she went home and contacted this person and said I'd like to be tested. And she was a match. And she donated a kidney to this young girl because I spoke up and she now speaks up and she is Touching Lives with that story. And that's how it works.
When you pour your words into somebody else, when you are willing to share your story, influencing others to succeed begins when you decide to believe in someone enough to share your story and to share with them that you believe in them. Expect This is number one, expect them to succeed have an attitude of expectation that they are absolutely going to succeed and absolutely going to exceed your wildest expectations of them. Sincerely expect it. Because if you're not sincere about it, people know the person you're talking to knows if you're just blowing smoke. Sincerely believing in people is a superpower and we all have it. We all have it. expect them to succeed. expect that they are going to shine no matter what they're going through no matter what they Need to rise above, expect it, and then say it become their positive light, say it. And number three, say it again. Because you can't say it enough. I tell people that I work with I tell my clients all the time, I want you to believe in yourself the way I believe in you. And I sincerely mean it. I only work with people that I feel strongly are on the path that they are embracing change in their lives. And I believe in them with everything in me. And my coaches will say the same thing to me. I would I want you to believe in yourself, the way I believe in you. We are all on this journey together. And we can help each other succeed. And it starts with our words. encouraging words, shining words, say it, then say it again.
Expect it, Say it, say it again. Three steps, expect it Say it again. You can't pour more life into someone that they need because they need it all. You can't overdo. You can't over say. Just keep pouring life into others. Share your story. Be willing to share your struggles. Take notes when you're going through a struggle. Because someday someone is going to need to learn from you.
I may be further along in a journey than someone else who really needs to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Losing a sibling, losing a parent, leaving a corporate job losing a job experiences that you have in your life. You could to help others with those but you can't do it if you stay silent and refuse to share your story. influence others to succeed, expect them to succeed. Sincerely expect it, say it to them. And then say it again. You can't say too much. I expect you to succeed. I believe in you. And I will keep pouring life into you through my videos through my podcast through speaking engagements through one on one coaching through my group coaching programs through my masterminds because I believe in you. I believe that you are destined for greatness. And I believe that you have everything in you to make it happen. And I will keep telling you that I love you. I am your biggest fan. Until next time.