Growing & Healing

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I know what it's like to feel invisible, to think it's too late to become what you've always wanted to be. You feel like it's too late to have more life.

I felt that way too.

But when I lost my brother to cancer, he made me realize I have way more life to live. And I discovered the choice was mine to live it or not. I know you want to become confident and empowered, and you deserve to step into that life you are yearning for. I'm carry the and I get it. There is more greatness to come in your life. And I know you can feel it. I've made a choice to live my big life. Now it is your turn, to be empowered, and step into the life that has always been yours. It's time for you to step off the sidelines and into your own life, the one you were created to live, it's easier than you think. I believe in you. In fact, I am your biggest fan. So let's get started. One of the things that I absolutely love making time for is watching documentaries, they give you so much information. And you whether you agree with everything or not is not the point the point is learning so many different angles, so many different viewpoints, really getting a feel for knowledge. And then you can make your decisions based on what you know what you've learned. And you can dig deeper. And it might be one sentence in the entire documentary that sparks your attention, and has you digging deeper, they are so crucial, I believe, for our development. While I have been recovering from surgery, one of my friends and clients said you got to watch this documentary, It's entitled heal h e a l heal. And I looked it up on Netflix, it is now available for free to watch until January 31. From there, I'm not sure exactly where it's going or if they're going to charge for it. But right now, if you are listening to this podcast, go to Netflix sign in. If you don't have a Netflix account, get one it's it's worth it to just to watch this documentary, I have watched it twice already. And I will watch it more times. Because every time I watch it, I learn something else. And so yesterday in yesterday's podcast, I referred to or I alluded to the fact that I would be talking about a podcast. And something that really, really stuck out to me both times that I have watched this podcast, heal is a documentary that explores the state of American Health Care. It emphasizes that as a people, Americans are chronically stressed, and therefore our immune systems are compromised, and we become sicker as a result. And if we learned to understand the connection between our minds and our bodies, we could prevent, treat and manage our health better. This is what the documentary is putting out to you. Experts with medical, psychological, spiritual, and homeopathic backgrounds outline what we are doing wrong, and how we can make improvements. And watching this documentary a couple of times after having a diagnosis of cancer after having surgery to remove part of my colon. It just really struck me I watched this one and I watched one called the C word. Also I highly recommend, I love getting all this information so that I can then I can then create a plan for myself to to treat what I believe is going on in my own body. I don't believe that my body is betraying me somehow, by this diagnosis. What I think is the absolute opposite that I have over the years betrayed my body. And if I want to keep going for years and years and years and years, I have to change how I am treating my body. I cannot treat it like it's going to be there forever. And I can just do whatever I want. I can hold on to stress. I can be angry all the time. I can get very little sleep, I can forget to drink water, I can ignore my health. I can ignore nutrition, I can ignore whatever because my body's just there. Our bodies house who we are we have talked about this. And this is what this documentary really brings out. Our bodies house us who we are, is housed in this physical body. And if we treat this physical body with disrespect it can't give back To us, and for a long time, I thought, well, if I just choose healthy choices most of the time and I drink my water, I get my workouts and I'm doing good. It's so much deeper than that. There's so much more than that. We are not just a physical body, there are emotions involved. And there, there's a spirituality involved. There are so many different things involved in creating a healthy space for who we are in this physical temple that we walk around in.

I have loved, loved loved watching this documentary, I would love to have every single every single person listening, watch the documentary, and we could even create our own little group discussing it. That's how much I enjoyed watching this. But I alluded to something in this documentary that really caught my attention. And it was a woman they interviewed who was diagnosed with colon cancer, very end stage colon cancer, stage four plus, mine was state mine, why hasn't even been staged yet, but very early stage. And I'm very thankful that we caught it very early stage, this woman that they were interviewing was n stage, like my brother was when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. And she was talking about her lifestyle, how she was so into very healthy eating and moving her body yoga every day and water and just such an extremely healthy lifestyle. And people actually said to her, and this, this is something that was said to me, me, also, oh my gosh, if you've got cancer, the rest of us are screwed. Because you are so and I'm putting this in quotes healthy. But if you look deeper, how healthy was I really, and how healthy was this woman they were talking about. And that's what she was saying. And she realized when she really looked at her life, she was so good at getting so good at that. So good at doing everything, quote unquote, right. But when she really looked deeper, and when she really dug deeper, she was unable to accept love and help from other people that that was something she was just unable to do. You just hold everything inside. And you know what happens when you hold everything inside, your body starts to break down. We become sicker, because we are attacking our own immune systems, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically. You know, the saying that you can go in the gym and out exercise a bad diet. That's true. It's also true that you can't out good health.

Holding on to anger or, or unforgiveness, or an inability to accept love from people to accept help.

It's been very eye opening to me. Massive lifestyle change to me, doesn't really mean eating healthier, or drinking more water, or a regular workout routine, I got all those things. Massive lifestyle change to me means accepting the love and help that others are offering to me. It means letting go of unforgiveness that I harbor inside of me or anger or being being upset with someone 10 years later. And I don't even know remember why. Or not having strong family relationships because nobody really wants to talk about the things that are bothering us. Massive lifestyle change means letting all that out. Back in October, I had a Reiki session. And interestingly enough now looking back the Reiki Master, when she was done, and she was talking to me, she said your midsection, you hold everything. It's all there. It's like a ball. Now, now thinking about that. Thinking about that now is just if I'd had a way to look inside, and see what was physically going on in my midsection, because of what I was holding on to emotionally, the things I never wanted to talk about, or the things I didn't want to let out are the things that I wanted to just hold on to because you know, those were my secret things. It's when you let those things out. It's when you start to deal with those things that you truly begin to heal your body, which is not just physical, it is emotional and psychological and spiritual. It is where our whole being and I can't Just say, Okay, I'm better they took out the right side of my big in my large intestine, I'm good now. No, that was the one that was one step. There are so many more steps in really healing my body and healing who I am. And it is the same with you. It's not just dealing with the cut on your finger or the cancer in your body or the headaches in your head, it is going deeper into finding out why our bodies are breaking down. Why is this happening? Why? And it goes so much deeper than you eat too many things to junk food, that's part of it. Well, we need to go deeper. It's okay to cry. It's okay to show emotion. It's okay. When somebody says How are you today? For you to answer honestly and say, I'm having a great day. But I am willing to let my self deal with this. I am willing to address all the emotions and feel all the fields. I feel comfortable actually being a human being who feels all the fields. But we're taught that we should hold things back. I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine. Are you? Are you really fine? And what does that even mean? Let's just decide together that we are going to start taking control of our health. This documentary in this documentary, this woman really focused on her emotions on healing herself as a whole person, mind body, soul spirit, every piece of her and her tumors disappeared. We have that much control over our health, which is not just a physical thing. It goes so much deeper than that. This is going to be something that I will be looking into bringing guests on to the podcast who can talk in more detail and give so much more insight. We have so much to learn. Together we heal. Together we grow, we give to each other. We learn to love ourselves so that others can love us and we can love others. Holding on to things holding on to emotions, not really being who we were created to be. Breaks us down. Laugh, learn to laugh, learn to love yourself, so that you can love others. Stop holding on to stress stop allowing stress into your life.

So many of us have adopted a lifestyle of drama, and it needs to go. Speak your mind nicely. This is not permission to be rude to people. But it is permission to speak the things you're thinking. Be open and honest. Stop holding back the things you really want to say. Let those emotions out. Give your body space and love and time to heal.

We're going to be talking about this a lot. I can't wait to bring some guests on to talk with you. Be who you were created to be boo. I love you.

I desire for us a life of abundance. And that is your journal prompt today. Abundance means fill in the blank. To me abundance means fill that blank in to me. What does abundance mean to you? I know what it means to me. But I want to hear what it means to you.


Say What You Need To Say


Influencing Others To Succeed