Journaling Authority

When we take the time to journal, we are becoming a more brilliant, resilient, powerful version of who we are putting pen to paper increases your awareness. It increases your gratitude increases your sense of calm your sense of resiliency.

I am CarrieVee: professional speaker, author, podcast host coach, and your biggest fan.

And I want to talk today about five ways that journaling has changed my life had has helped me become more calm and resilient, more mindful, more thankful, more compassionate. I'm going to talk about how journaling has helped me become calm, more aware helped me increase my perspective of my own things that I was going through and looking at others’ perspectives, how it increased my confidence, my gratitude, and my clarity and my purpose in life. Number one is that calm feeling, how did journaling help me to be calmer, while opening up that journal or grabbing a piece of paper, it doesn't have to be a journal piece of paper and a pen or a pencil, or a colored marker, or whatever it is you love to work with.

Number One is having the ability to just get it all out. Opening up that journal, grabbing that piece of paper, and starting to write all of our jumbled emotions helps us to become so much more focused on what is going on getting it all out onto paper. And then you can see all of these emotions right out in front of you. And you can start going through that paper and circling the emotions that are bothering you the most, or maybe the ones that are confusing you the most. But by seeing it all out there and the fact that you have taken the time to get it out of your head and write it onto paper will ensue, increase your sense of calmness, and your ability to look at things more clearly more focused more calmly, it is an incredible benefit of journaling is that calm that it brings.

Number Two is the awareness that it brings. The awareness that it brings for the situation, the awareness that it brings up your perspective, and the awareness that there are other perspectives. When I journal about something that I'm going through, I tend to focus at first on my perspective, I am then able to turn it and start to see things differently from my own perspective, but also look into someone else's perspective.

For example, when my dad died, I was extremely grief-stricken. It was just a few years after I'd lost my brother to colon cancer. And then my dad was gone. And he was my best friend. He was my business confidant. I was his princess. And, and it, it crushed me.

It crushed me to my soul when he passed away and I cried a lot. My husband, on the other hand, got very angry. That's how he was dealing with it.

And I would grab my journals. And I would start writing out how I would be angry that he was angry at what had happened in our family until I was able to shift my perspective and see it from my husband's perspective.

I had my brother all my life. And I had my dad for 48 years of my life. But my husband and I had not at that point been married very long. And he had finally found someone that he could call a brother that he went out and did things with regularly. And a dad that he for the first time had someone in his life that loved him like a son and treated him like a father.

And they were taken from him so so quickly. It seemed that the anger was a natural response for him. And when I was able to journal it out and shift my perspective, to seeing his perspective and to understand where he was coming from, we were able to mesh our feelings together and walk through that grief with a greater understanding of each other and it came from journaling.

Number Three is confidence. Journaling helps to increase your competence. My last few months have been a I feel like I have been living in a wave pool in all of 2021 Every time I come up for air, another wave comes knocks me down and I am left gasping for air gasping for air. In less than 12 months I was diagnosed with cancer and Lynch syndrome. I contracted COVID very symptomatic COVID While I was in the hospital having had my colon removed. My mother was then diagnosed with Lynch syndrome and metastatic cancer and died in my arms. 19 days later I then broke my arm was diagnosed with osteopenia. This was less than 12 months in 2021. I felt like I was in a wave pool.

However, by grabbing my journals and writing about every single one of those experiences, my confidence would increase every time I journaled about how I got knocked down but I got back up, my competence increased, I became stronger by the simple act of writing in my journal.

Number four journaling helped me become more grateful, which increased my calmness. Every time I started to write things down, I could see things to be grateful for that I maybe hadn't seen before. And I started to shift my perspective and my focus again, and that gratitude helps me become more compassionate and reach out to others around me when I started to focus on the fact that we had healthy food to eat.

And that's why we had dirty dishes, those dirty dishes didn't bother me anymore. And when I realized that all the laundry that we had is because I have the choice to put something different on every day, and then I get to put them away, I get to that gratitude increased my sense of calmness, calmness, my sense of well being, and my compassion for other people.

And lastly, Number Five, journaling helped increase my clarity. And when my clarity increased, my purpose was very streamlined, and then my productivity skyrocketed. It helped me see on paper, when I let my brain lead my pen, and I started writing it all out on paper, I got to see very, very clearly what my next step was. And where I was heading. My productivity went crazy. My vision became laser-focused.

All of this is from journaling: calmer, more aware, more compassionate, more confident, more grateful, and clear in my goals. All of this from the simple act of picking up a journal and a pen and writing.

I encourage you to get writing. If you need help, contact me. I'd love to help you with this.

On this journey of journaling. Nothing will change your life, like getting your thoughts, emotions, your feelings, your perspectives out onto paper, so that you can become a better understanding person, someone with more compassion, more clarity, more purpose in your life.

Grab a journal, get writing, I DARE YOU.


Healing after dramatic loss and life change is possible.


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