Loneliness vs. Being Alone

We are talking about the difference between loneliness and being alone. The biggest difference between the two is knowing, knowing yourself, knowing how to choose happiness, knowing how to embrace joy in your life. The biggest difference between loneliness and being alone is knowing.

There's a huge difference between loneliness and being alone. I used to be someone who felt lonely all the time. If I wasn't around people, if my husband went out with his friends, I would sit home. And I would sit in loneliness rather than embrace being alone. And a lot of people get confused and they think that the two are the same exact thing that being alone and being lonely, feeling lonely, are synonymous. They support the same emotion but there is a distinct difference between loneliness and being alone. Loneliness is isolation. It comes with an expert expectation that's unmet a feeling this unreturned. So in the example that I gave earlier, when I first got married, and my husband would go out with his friends, I would get very, very upset, because I felt that I was being abandoned that I was being left to my I was being left to myself. And Shouldn't we always be together if we're a couple, it was very faulty thinking. It was an expectation and Unreal and unfair expectation that was left unmet. It was a feeling that was unreturned. And that left me feeling isolated and lonely. In it in direct opposition to that is that being alone is finding a sense of freedom in that isolation.

Instead of embracing the freedom that I had in that alone time. I instead focused on this perceived expectation unmet and I allowed myself to sit in this loneliness which is a very isolating feeling when you let it grow into this, oh my gosh, He should be here with me. That's why we're a couple this I should never be alone. Being alone means that I'm that I'm automatically automatically lonely.

Loneliness is when you take That isolation, and you turn it into a negative, you turn it into these feelings that are unmet. Instead of embracing the freedom that comes with the isolation. There is a distinct of freedom that comes from sitting in having time alone. Loneliness is crying without being seen. And being alone is being so caught up with yourself that you smile or laugh for no reason. I mean, picture yourself lying outside in the grass, looking up at the sky, just smiling, laughing maybe you're sitting in your favorite reading chair, and you're comes up with a book. Or maybe you're sitting in front of your favorite puzzle or you're watching your favorite show on Netflix, you're alone. But you don't feel lonely, you're not crying without being seen. You are embracing this time alone. And you're so caught up with what you're doing for yourself that you cry, you smile, you laugh. And it's all this amazing. This amazingness that comes with this time that you embrace of being alone. Because loneliness brings this sense of emotional abandoning abandon, while being alone brings this physical and mental freedom. When you sit in the negativity of being alone, it leads to this sense of abandonment. Rather than embracing the physical and mental freedom that comes when you are alone. When you take, I would encourage you to plan time, every day, whether it's five minutes or an hour, or you schedule an entire mental health day where you are completely alone. And you embrace that mental freedom that comes when you are alone. Loneliness makes you want to find distractions so that you're not alone anymore.

For me, let's go back to my example with my husband. For me it was pitching a fit so that he would stay home. not healthy, not healthy at all for either one of us. Because he didn't want to stay home. He wanted to go out with his friends which was normal, which was fine. My fit, he would say, Fine, I won't go. It's not like we spent time together though. Because we're both mad. That loneliness makes you want to find distractions to free yourself from being alone, or being alone and embracing it allows you time to follow your heart and do what you love to do. There's such a huge difference between sitting in loneliness and embracing being alone. Being alone and embracing it comes from loving yourself. Loneliness stems from blaming yourself. For example, I am alone tonight because I'm a bad person. I am abandoned I'm lonely. Versus I love myself. I am going to embrace I have this entire evening alone I have the next hour alone I have the next 30 minutes alone. I used to go when I was working in corporate I would go to my car during lunch break and just sit there alone. Because it let my heart wander and let my dreams grow. And let me think about a future where I was doing what I really love doing, which is what I'm doing now. And I embrace that alone time. Being alone allows me to connect with myself.

Being alone allows me to feel the quietness. It allows my dreams to grow. It allows me physical and mental freedom it allows me time to become when you are alone. You get to choose whether you are going to name it loneliness, or alone time. There's a huge difference between the two. Loneliness comes from a place of not knowing who you are and who you are becoming. Loneliness comes from a place of not living in your radical empowerment. Being alone and embracing that alone time stems 100% from your radical empowerment.




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