Meditation and Mindfulness
I know what it's like to feel invisible, to think it's too late to become what you've always wanted to be.
You feel like it's too late to have more life. I felt that way too. But when I lost my brother to cancer, he made me realize I have way more life to live. And I discovered the choice was mine to live it or not. I know you want to become confident and empowered, and you deserve to step into that life you are yearning for.
There is more greatness to come in your life.
And I know you can feel it. I've made a choice to live my big life. Now it is your turn, to be empowered, and step into the life that has always been yours. It's time for you to step off the sidelines and into your own life, the one you were created to live, it's easier than you think. I believe in you. In fact, I am your biggest fan. So let's get started. Does this sound like you, you feel like you were made for more than what you are currently doing. You are so tired of waking up and doing the same thing every single day, but feel like you haven't made any progress at all. like walking on a treadmill, you are taking steps but not actually going anywhere. You're tired all the time unhappy, unfulfilled, restless, your relationships are strained. You stare frantically at the ceiling at night full of anxiety and stress with your heart beating out of your chest, you have a great idea of what you want to do. But you don't know how to make it happen. You don't know where to start, you know you want to do more. But you don't know what your dream is, you just know it's there. You want to finally identify your dreams and feel confident and empowered enough to make them a reality. You want to identify the path and the steps to take on that path. So that every day is lived with a purpose and a plan. You want your relationships to be fulfilling and happy.
You want peaceful days devoid of those horrible panic attacks. You want to feel gratitude and accomplishment each and every day you want to feel alive, awake and fulfilled. You want radical empowerment, you need radical empowerment, head to the link in the show notes. Click the link and get enrolled today. Your life awaits you. You were made for more, and you are worth it.
Alright, let's keep talking. Let's keep talking about our energy. And we're going to talk about meditation now. So why does meditation fall asleep, and why not talk about fitness and nutrition next or water next, why not talk about something along those lines next, because meditation, meditation is going to help you sleep better when you do sleep. Meditation brings you into a state of mindfulness. And when you are mindful of what is going on around you, you are better able to function through the day with everything that you do as a person as a radically empowered person. Mindfulness means that when you take a walk your noses in your phone, or you aren't off in the cloud, somewhere you are literally taking notice of the clouds, you're you're noticing how blue The sky is, maybe it's a cold day, maybe you're smelling, crisp air, and the smell of fall leaves, and maybe there's apples, maybe there's a scent of apples. Or maybe it's summertime, when I walk in the summertime around our house, there's honeysuckle bushes, and I love the smell of the honeysuckle, I can miss it, I can totally miss it. If I'm if I've got my nose in the phone, or if I'm just not being mindful of where I am, I can miss that smell. But when I think about it, and I feel the sun on my arms, and I smell that honeysuckle, it just brings me into a state of gratitude. It brings me into a state of just being so thankful that I'm alive. That's what mindfulness will do for you. And when you meditate, it helps bring you into that state of mind. Mindfulness, meditation improves your focus.
So we talked about sleep, improving your focus, now you're going to have meditation, improving your focus, that's like double whammy. And we're not done yet. We're not even halfway through this module on increasing your energy. I promise you this, I promise you this practice of meditation is going to improve your overall health and well being your overall energy so it improves your focus. It lowers your stress. I'm really jiggy with that anything that's gonna help my stress level decrease. I'm all over that. It helps you connect with others on a deeper level.
John Maxwell says that many many people communicate But few people actually make that true connection. Meditation is going to help you make that connection with other people. It reduces that incessant voice inside your head that is telling you all kinds of negative things about you. Meditation is going to help you with that person right out of your head. It also helps you deal with pain. So if you've got an injury, so over the last few years, I have broken both wrists, my left wrist was the most recent, and there are days still, where I wake up, and it's just pounding, where they cut the piece of the bone out of my arm and my actual wrist will sometimes just wake up when I wake up, they're aching. But when I take the time to meditate, it helps to decrease that pain, my anxiety goes down. I'm not thinking about it, I'm being mindful of things that are around me. And it helps to reduce the stress reduce the pain, how how do you meditate, you don't have to sit cross legged on the floor, Sit in a comfortable position. Sometimes for me, that means sitting right here in my chair, sometimes I'm on a couch, sometimes I'm laying down on the couch, sometimes I'm in my comfy reading chair, it doesn't really matter. As long as you get comfortable set a timer, or open up a guided meditation. I very, very often use a guided meditation on YouTube. But I also sometimes just set a timer. And I'll listen to rain. Like a Spotify has a razz rain, and it's just different sounds and different intensities of rain. And it helps me meditate. It just helps me focus on my breath, which is the next. The next part of meditating is to notice your breath. How are you breathing I want you to this is what I noticed in the beginning when I was meditating is that my breathing was shallow and rapid. Because when you are anxious or stressed, your breathing becomes shallow.
When you get into that deep meditative state, your breath becomes deeper and slower, I actually want you to be aware of your breath and breathe in for four counts. And breathe out for four counts in and out. Slow your breathing. Be aware of when your mind wanders, and gently bring it back, gently bring it back. If you're doing a guided meditation, you'll feel your your mind starts to wander, just bring it back to what the person guiding you on your meditation is leading you on and end with a kind comment to yourself. And with that kind comment to yourself, you're so amazing, you're so wonderful, you've taken this time for your body, for your brain, for your well being. And with that kind of compliment to yourself, I really encourage you to start with going to YouTube, Spotify and search out 10 minute meditations, I also use an app called brain tap. And those are there are some shorter ones, some of them are 2030 minutes, and I will actually lay back put that meditation on and I very, very, very often will fall asleep. But when the meditation is over, I come to I am refreshed. I am so productive. And part of what we're going to talk about inside the radical empowerment method is improving your productivity.
This meditation is a huge part of improving your productivity and your focus your self discipline. I am so energized after I meditate. It is unbelievable. And I didn't believe it. And I didn't meditate for a long time because I didn't believe that people who told me I would be far more productive after I meditated. my thought process was, I am so busy and you want me to take 10 2030 minutes out of my day to do what? Sit quietly? Are you out of your mind. And then I did it. And then I did it. And I found out that meditation is powerful. Meditation will bring your mind to that place of focus and productivity, I promise. So I want you to do it. I want you to do it one time. 10 minutes, find that 10 minute guided guided meditation on YouTube or just set your timer. And then I want you to come back and I want you to answer these questions and even share them in the Facebook group. If you feel comfortable doing that.
How do you feel? How do you feel after you meditated? What did you learn about yourself through meditating? Do you feel more creative or less creative? And if you're more creative, what kind of ideas did you come up with during that meditation? And are you ready to do this every morning I challenge you to this. I challenge you to meditate every morning.
If you want to add a 10 minute session in the afternoon and other one in the evening but go for it. But at least give yourself 10 minutes when you get up in the morning to meditate to quiet your brain, quiet your heart, quiet your soul. That is when your creativity is going to just grow exponentially. I promise you this, I promise you. Meditation is so important to your focus, just like sleep is.
So we're going to keep moving on in increasing our energy. Next we're going to talk about water. Is it really that important? Let's find out in the next module and I'll see you there. Hey, thanks for listening in. I want you to know I do not take it for granted that you give me this time to have coffee and tea together with me.