Speak Up For Yourself
Do you have trouble asking for what you truly want in life?
Are you afraid to approach a boss, a friend, a co worker? Or maybe it's a significant other? Are you afraid to speak up and ask for accommodations, help advice or simply express your opinion about something at a work meeting, or around the table at your home?
Many of us are so afraid to speak up for ourselves.
Perhaps in the past we've been laughed at or jeered or put down or told to not use our voices, maybe we got into a lot of trouble for for speaking our opinion, or for voicing what it was we truly wanted out of life. But the past is over. We don't live there anymore.
We get to move into the future by living every single day, to the peak of our ability, we get to voice our opinion, we get to ask for those things that we truly need.
We get to make a difference in the world by showing up as the best version of ourselves every day. And it boils down to communication. How well do you communicate? What are you communicating, with whom are you communicating? We're going to start with the Digg Method of the Radical Empowerment Method.
The Radical Empowerment Method is my signature program.
It is my signature book. It is what I have built my entire business and serving you around. It is how to get off the sidelines of your life and get into the life that you were created to live. That includes speaking up for yourself and the things that you truly want and the things you truly want to express. So we're going to dig into this get at the Digg Method, we're going to dig into the Dig Method. D-I-G is an acronym that stands for D - define your specific wants and needs. I - identify why you're having difficulty asking for those things and G - is get up and glow. We're going to dig into each part of the DIG Method. Hopefully, at the end, you will embrace this method in your life and become a much better communicator, someone who speaks clearly and confidently for what you want out of life and what you need out of life. It is your prerogative to ask for the things you truly want. It is your right to speak up for yourself and express your opinion. So let's get going with the Dig Method.
1.D - Define the specific wants and needs.
For example clearing space. The truth is this there is no room for what you do want in life until you clear what no longer serves you or maybe never served you in the first place. Many people have no trouble speaking about what they don't want in their lives, but they have a really hard time verbalizing and understand what they do want. Often they have an inability to ask for what they truly want is tied to a lack of understanding of what those needs and wants are in the first place. Take some time to journal talk to coaches, mentors, trusted friends. brainstorm about what you truly want. Make a list of your top 10 non negotiable items in your life. What are you willing to accept and not accept in your life? Then create a list of things that you want to ask for those things that truly matter the most to you? Here's a great journal prompt for you.
Wouldn't it be amazing if wouldn't it be amazing if how would you fill that in? What would you put in your journal if you started that sentence? Wouldn't it be amazing if let your pen go wild? Let your brain lead your pen and let anything come out. Wouldn't it be amazing if that will help you define what you truly want out of life?
2. I - identify why you're having trouble asking for those things, for example, a lack of boundaries.
Have you allowed yourself to be walked on? taken advantage of? This is a judgment free zone. This is a safe place. Most of us have walked that path, I know I sure did. I had the mistaken idea that in order to serve others, I had to make myself very small and say yes to every little thing that was requested of me work overtime. Sure, take on extra responsibilities. Sure. Be in charge of all the household chores, no problem, stay home when I wanted and needed to go out. Absolutely. But the truth is this. Every time you allow yourself to be taken advantage of it will make it harder for you to speak up for yourself, and ask for what you want and need in life. After all, once you allow your boundaries to push back, others believe they can keep pushing them over and over again. The more that happens, it can become almost impossible to speak up for yourself and take control of your own life. Because at this point, the life you're living isn't yours. It's one that someone else or someone else's, is defining for you. The flipside of that is also true. The more you speak up for yourself and take control of your life and hold your boundaries firm, the easier easier it becomes to maintain that control and to ask for what you need.
A fantastic journal prompt for boundaries - Where have you allowed your boundaries to be compromised in the past? What are you not willing to have them compromised any longer? Why are you not willing to have them compromised any any longer? What boundaries have you allowed to be compromised? And why will you no longer allow them to be compromised?
If you want to take control of your life, you must identify why you're having trouble doing that in the first place. That requires setting, maintaining and controlling your boundaries in your life. And yes, you are worthy to control your own boundaries. No, it does not make you a brat to have boundaries. It makes you a strong, confident person.
3. G - Get up and Glow. Claim your confidence. Building your confidence begins with setting those boundaries. Go back to your list of your top 10 non negotiable items, set boundaries around those items, and refuse to allow anyone to push them back including your self. Believe that you are worthy of having your wants and needs met because you are. This takes practice. It takes work but it's worth it, I promise. And of course, you're going to have some journaling work here.
Journal Work:
The first one is how do you visualize yourself as the best version of yourself visualize that and write it down in detail.
Next, begin your ‘I did’ it list. Write down all of your accomplishment accomplishments. Nothing is too big or too small. Celebrate amazing you did you learn to walk feed yourself graduated high school get up and get dressed, write it all down.
Next, who do you perceive is better than you? Because the truth is this. No one is better than you hear me clearly no one is better than you next to their names take the time to write this, you are no better than me.
We are equally deserving of greatness in our lives. You are no better than me. We are equally deserving of greatness in our lives. And last, allow negative thoughts to float into your mind. I mean, they're going to anyhow, so acknowledge them for what they are a thought not rooted in truth. After acknowledging them verbally push them from your brain. I actually named my negative voice and I'll say something like that, Stacy, you are done having a free space in my head right now. So get out.
Acknowledge the thought negative thoughts are going to come in, acknowledge them.
They're not rooted in truth. They're not true. Acknowledge them and throw them out.
D define what it is you really want.
I Identify why you're having trouble speaking up and asking for those things in.
G Get up and glow. Claim your confidence.
You are ready to speak up for yourself and what you need. So go for it. Let me know how powerful you feel when you ask for what you truly want and need out of life.
Your journal prompts again:
Wouldn't it be amazing if make your list of your top 10 non negotiables make your identity list? Visualize yourself as the best version of yourself and push those negative thoughts out of your head. Part of this for me was defining my own personality and finding out why I struggle where I struggle and what are the things I can work on to become a better version of myself.
I did that by completing a DISC profile. I was so encouraged and astounded by how well it pointed out my strengths and my personality that I decided to become certified as a certified consultant and disc.
I would love to do this for you. Because you deserve to speak up. You deserve to have the life that you desire and you deserve to step into your power and you deserve to become who you were created to become. The disc will help you do that.
Comment the word DISC below and I will send you all of the details. I would love to get started on this amazing growth for you as you dig into who you truly are and your power of speaking up. I can't wait to hear from you. I cannot wait to do the DISC profile with you.