She who dies with the most books wins.  

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She who dies with the most books wins.  

If that’s true, then I am pretty sure I’m in the running to be crowned queen. 

I have no idea how many books I actually have - I probably will never actually COUNT them.  Let’s just call it “a lot” and leave it there.  

Interestingly, a few years ago, I could have counted the books I own on one hand.  

And then I read my first personal development book - No Excuses by Brian Tracey.  I was hooked.  I wanted to read every book I could get my hands on.  I underlined sentences that stuck out to me.  I turned down pages so I could refer to those spots again.  And I DID refer to them again. 

My favorite thing to do with a great book - use the front few blank-ish pages to write my favorite quotes from the book.  That way, when I open it up again, I can reference those favorite spots.  I usually add to it the second time through as well.  

I remember asking people for advice - what book should I read next?  Should I read everything by one author and then move on to another?  Should I add in fiction? (I say yes  - but that’s another blog post).  Should I listen to podcasts too (YES!!!  And that is also another podcast!).  

Back to books.  Reading personal development books has quite literally changed my life.  My outlook is different, my determination is greater, my network of amazing people who I call mentors has increased exponentially.  

Why should YOU dive into personal development books?

  1.  You will start to look at the world in a more positive light. 

  2. You will be inspired to make better choices.  I’m all about that!

  3. Each book has hidden treasures and you life literally explodes with all those golden nuggets. 

  4. You start to look at personal projects with the attitude of “Oh Yes, I CAN.” 

  5. You know that ceiling of limitation that’s been holding you back?  It disappears.  

  6. Because you are worth it.  100%. Totally.  Worth it.  

Because I believe in personal development books THAT much - and because I love you - THAT much - I have put together a list of my Current Top 25 Personal Development Books.   You can grab it here. 

This list will start you on your journey.  

Enjoy.  Learn. 


You’re worth it. 

I am your biggest fan!




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