Journal Your Way to Success

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You read that line and your mind goes to…”Yeah. Sure. She’s crazy. Off the deep end. I’m unsubscribing.” 


Before you do that. Hear me out. Over the next few weeks we are going to dive into journaling. 

I promise I won’t tell you that you should or need to journal for an hour a day. Or that there is only ONE way to journal. Or that you have to do it MY way. 

I am going to ask you to give it a try. I’m going to ask you to give it 7 days. I am going to ask you to put aside 5 minutes a day to journal - for 7 days. And if you don’t feel like it is making a positive difference in your life, I won’t keep bugging you to journal. I promise. 

You will need a few things:

  1. A pen or pencil. 

  2. Something to write on. It can be a spiral notebook, a piece of notebook paper, or a journal like this one. 

  3. A space to write  - preferably someplace quiet and alone.  It’s 5 minutes.  Lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to! (No judgment.  I’ve actually done that!). 

  4. A predetermined time that you have written in your schedule. Let’s face it.  If you don’t schedule it, it won’t get done.  It’s a fact.  

  5. An open mind, an open heart, and a desire to grow. 

Don’t overthink this.  The above can be accomplished in 5 minutes of less if you put your mind to it.   You’ve gathered your items and scheduled your time and place.  Now what?

In my experience, this is the part that trips most people up.  You are staring at a blank piece of paper, pen in hand.  But what do you write?  

When I began journaling, I relied on journal prompts.  And I STILL use them quite often.  A journal prompt literally prompts your brain into action.  A journal prompt opens the floodgates and allows your brain to release thoughts and ideas.  

And because I believe in YOU and the power of journaling in your life, I have put together a list of  journal prompts.  You can grab them HERE for FREE.      

Journal Prompts

OR - If you would like to go deeper, you can subscribe to my program that sends you a Declaration and a Journal Prompt every single morning, 7 days a week.  This has been a favorite feature of my Life and Mindset Coaching program and I have decided to pull it out as a stand alone offer.  For only $10/month you can subscribe to this offer.  All you have to do is respond YES to and I will get you enrolled.  Of course, you can cancel any time.  But once you begin journaling and you see the power that it opens in your life, you won’t want to stop.  

Over the next few weeks, we will look at some of the benefits of journaling.  

Get your pens ready. 

Your life awaits!

I believe in you.  I love you.  I am your biggest fan!





Journaling and Mindfulness. 


She who dies with the most books wins.