When Life Doesn't Seem Fair, It's How You Play The Game
What do you do when you wake up every single day, living your life as if it was designed by somebody else? Someone else's dream someone else's goals? Someone else's plans? You literally feel like you're on the sidelines watching this life play out, and it's not the way you wanted it.
Your answer is radical empowerment.
I am pleased to announce that my book The radical empowerment method is now available on Amazon, click the link in my show notes and grab your copy today.
Step into your power pal shoes.
Dig deep into who you are, why you're here and what you were created to do. Find you believe that you are worth every dream you dream simply because you are. I am your biggest fan. I wrote this book for you get your copy today.
We get to hang out together today. Just you and me talking about life. Which is what coffee and tea with Carrie Vee is intended to be real life conversations with real life, people bringing real life information into your ear holes. And today, we're going to have a talk you and me about life. Because sometimes dead on that life isn't fair. Sometimes life throws a curveball at you. And you just you can't even catch it. You got your right your mitts on your hand and the balls coming at you. And you're waiting and waiting and waiting. And that thing just curves right out of your reach. And try as you might you just like kid got to the thing.
And then you look up to heaven. You're like, Where'd that come from?
Where did that come from?
That isn't fair. God that isn't fair. That is not the ball that I thought was coming my way. I don't even like that one.
And we get into this, this habit. And this pattern of looking at other people and thinking they have it all. Everything in their life is beautiful. They have, they have the perfect family. They have the perfect clothes, the perfect car, they go to the perfect places, they have the perfect body, they were the perfect clothes, their makeup all looks amazing all the time. Everyone around them is always happy. nothing bad ever happens to them. Right?
It can get challenging when you're in this pattern of looking at other people as if they have it all together and everything that's coming to you just doesn't seem fair.
Bad things happen to everyone.
Bad things happen to good people.
Bad things happen in our lives. If we turn them bad
things happen in our lives. That's what I want to get across with you today. Things happen. Life happens. We choose whether they're good or bad. We choose what kind of qualifier we're going to put in front of it. Bad news, good news.
You see some times losing that competition that you really, really really wanted to live ends up being a blessing.
Often it ends up being a blessing. Because we only see right now we can see the past and we can see
In this moment right now, we cannot see the future, we cannot see a year into the future, a month, a day, a week, we cannot see a millisecond into the future, you do know what not know what is going to be happening in your life. 60 seconds from now, no one does, it is impossible. You don't know. You can make plans.
You can think you know, but you don't know. You don't know when that ball is gonna come out you that you weren't expecting that phone call.
That email that you open with the news that you weren't expecting that text message that comes in, you don't know when they're coming.
And we're the ones who get to decide if they're good or bad in our lives.
So I'm going to challenge you today, that every thing that comes into your life, everything, decide that you are going to make the best of it.
Decide that if this is the way that your life is designed and created, then you are going to go after it with the absolute best that you have.
We were recently at a baby shower for our youngest one of our youngest daughters. And
she was she was opening gifts and we got to talking around the table and one of our future son in laws got to talk we got to talk to you about poker. And one of our future son in laws said to me goes, you know, and I've heard this before. And I know you have to excellent poker players don't get the best cards very often. They just know how to play the cards they're dealt.
They just know how to play the cards, they're dealt in how they play them.
They can have a horrible hand of cards, make a great bluff and win the game.
It's not about the cards that they have in their hands. It's how they play the cards that are in their hands. It's not about the cards that their adult is about how they play those cards.
It's not about what they're holding in their hand, I'm going to say it again. It's not about what they're holding in their hand. It's about how they play the cards they have. That is life, my friend.
We don't get to choose those. Those curveballs that come at us. We don't get to choose the cards that life deals us.
My faith. My faith is strong. I believe that God will not give me more than I can handle. And I believe he won't give you more than you can handle. But I will tell you this, there are times that I put my gaze to heaven. My knees are on the floor, my heart is breaking. And I am saying God, please don't trust me so much. I can't handle this.
And he reminds me yes, you can.
Yes, you can. Because it's not about the cards you have in your hand. It's about how you play those cards. There's a huge difference there.
It's about how you play those cards. Life isn't always going to be fair.
It will very often seem unfair. It will seem like you have the worst hand in the world.
It's how you play the cards you are dealt not about the cards that you are dealt.
It's about how you play it out. It's about how much you trust.
For me, it's trusting God, that he's got it all under control. And there is nothing that's gonna happen that we can handle together.
You know where your strength lies.
We all do. We just don't often tap into the full strength that lies within us.
Because we get caught in this in this pit of complaining moaning asking why me? Well, I can't answer the why me question
why you? Why me? Why him why her?
Why them.
What I do know is this.
You have the power, the strength, the knowledge, to play those cards and be the winner. You have. You have everything it takes to come out on top.
You have everything it takes to come out on top. No matter what the cards are that you're holding in your hands.
What things have happened in your life that have knocked you down. Look at them.
Find that blessing. Stand up and make your life powerful. It is your choice whether you're going to stay knocked down or if you're going to get up, brush yourself off and keep going.
Nobody has a perfect life. Newsflash, no one has a perfect life. No matter what you see on the outside, no matter what you think. No one has the perfect life. Everyone has endured heartache of some kind.
We have been, we have been bullied. We have been abused. We have been yelled at. We have been called names. We have lost loved ones. We have lost children. We have strained relationships with our children, with our families with a spouse with a parent.
No one has the perfect life.
What we get to choose is what we're going to do with the life we have.
Five isn't going to always be fair. It's not always going to feel fair.
But it is the life you have. And life is so precious.
We hear it all the time. Life is a gift embrace every day. My motto from my brother Life is short, choose wisely.
I didn't understand the full scope of what any of those phrases and saying sayings mean until I was diagnosed with cancer.
I'd lost a brother. I lost my dad I lost my grandmother
strained relationships in my family. But hearing the words you have cancer really brought it home.
That this this life. Life is if you think of it as a clock, it's ticking. It is going to stop ticking one day.
All of us have hearts that are going to stop one day.
How much are we embracing the heartbeats that we have now?
We don't know. And we don't get to choose when it stops.
We don't know that. So today I challenge you. No matter what is going on in your life, that you embrace fully the life you've been given. Take that set of cards that you've been dealt and decide that you are going to play them so well. No matter what they are, that you end up on top. You get to make that choice.
Life is short, my friends choose wisely. That is my tagline.
My mom's some of my mom's last words for me for me. Now. Get out there and do what you were created to do. Live the life you were created to live.
No matter what cards you are holding. Get out there and live your life. Live your life with everything in you.
You get to make that choice.
Determine what wisely means to you Life is short, choose wisely. What does wisely mean to you?
To me, it means doing what I was created to do, tapping into what makes me happy and joyful. And bringing the joy and the happiness. laughing more.
Doing more of the things I love to do. And instead of talking myself out of things, talking myself in to them. That's a whole nother podcast episode.
Live with gusto.
Hug your family more.
Take the time to take walks. go on picnics, ride your bikes, play in the snow, if that's what you like. curl up in a corner and read a book.
Go shopping. I don't know what it is for you. But whatever it is for you that makes you happy, do more of it. Do more of it. I have cousins that travel extensively.
They are retired and they get out there and they live their lives. Such an inspiration to me that we have planned our own trip coming up in April
where we will be gone for weeks doing something that we have talked about doing for 20 years. I can't wait to share it with you as we are on the road.
So stay tuned for that.
We're done talking. We're done talking about it and we are doing it and that's what I want for you. Stop talking about what you love doing and start doing it. Stop, start. Start doing what you said you would do Someday Someday is today. Tomorrow is too late.
Someday is here. Now.
So start living your life, play the cards you have and stop waiting for a better hand.
Better hand doesn't exist. The best life you have is the one you're living, make account.
Walk in your empowered truth. If you don't like the job you're working in, get a different job.
And I know that is not as easy as what I'm making it sound right now but I do know it's possible I've done it yes, it's going to take work. you're worth the work. You are worth everything, every dime, every hour, every everything that you invest in yourself, you are so worth it. When I'm working with women, one on one, or when I'm speaking from stages when I'm working in our group coaching program, the confidence and clarity collective, this is what I am telling you.
Get out there and live the life you were created to live.
I would love the chance to pour into you one on one in a group setting, talking to your teams, your groups, your churches, your organizations, your corporations.
We all have this chance. Seize the day.
Live your life. Get out there and do what you were created to do.
Live your life. Your journal prompt for today.
Life is short. Choose wisely.
What exactly does wisely mean? To me?
What exactly does wisely mean to me? What am I choosing that's wise in my life? I would love to hear your answers. Nothing would make me happier than to know you are digging deep into who you are and who you were created to be and taking the steps towards it no matter what cards you are holding.
The cards you're holding are beautiful.
Your life matters you matter. I am your biggest fan. I love you and I cannot wait to talk again.