Becoming Legendary with Tommy Breedlove
Tommy Breedlove is a Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestselling author of the book, Legendary. Tommy is also a business, relationship, and mindset coach who is a regularly featured keynote speaker at global events. He guides people to discover a life of significance while building a lasting legacy. The simple tools he shares show them how to work in their zone of brilliance, obtain financial freedom, and live with meaning and balance. The goal is to help everybody to become the person they've always wanted to be.
What is the first piece of advice you have for people to become legendary?
Simple. Start every morning with gratitude. If you woke up breathing and in a free country, you have something to be grateful for! Beginning your day focusing on the good will only bring more positive things throughout your day.
How can we grateful when life feels like it like it's imploding? What are some words of advice?
Nothing can’t be overcome. Whether it is a family issue, a relationship issue, a business issue or a money issue. Nothing can’t be overcome! Don't look at the entire war that you're fighting. Focus on one battle at a time. Show up the best you can, do the best you can and see why this is happening for you and not to you. What can you learn from this? Every painful situation has a light at the end of the rainbow. 🌈
Another tip for becoming legendary is to focus on your intentions. What does that mean?
Intentions are the things that you are working on right now. Think of them as goals. Intentions without actions and actions without intentions are useless. You want all of your intentions to have an action and you want all of your actions to have intention. Reading and writing your intentions as well as repeating them over and over will actually re-wire your subconscious. Small daily habits like this, will un-wire and re-wire the autopilot in the brain and over time, your inteions will just happen in your life. 🚀
We attract into our life what we are. How can we attract high caliber people in our lives that encourage us to be the best versions of ourselves?
Get rid of the negative in your life. Instead of watching Netflix, listen to a podcast. Eliminate the distractions and spend your time doing something more useful.
Fire all the Negative Nellies around you. It is time to let people go that bring you down. You can’t move on up with something or someone bringing you down.
Work on you. Work on your courage, confidence, self-love and self-respect. Like attracts like. You will start attracting people on your same wavelength in time!
Rising tides bring all the ships up. The choices we make to improve our lives will have a rippling effect on those around us. Be the change you wish to see in the world! I dare you.
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