Journaling helps you achieve your goals. 

It’s TRUE. 

Remember a few weeks ago when we began on our journey of journaling, I mentioned Journaling for Success? 

Success comes from achieving goals. Not just financial success - but success how YOU define it. 

And journaling helps you achieve the goals that lead to success. 

Journaling = Goal Achievement = Success. 

Pretty cool how that works, huh? 

Writing your goals signals your brain, “Hey! This is important! Brain cells unite! We are going to find a way to make this happen!” Ideas start to form. Action is initiated. And boom! Goals achieved. But just letting them fly around in your brain doesn’t bring the same response. 

It’s the act of WRITING IT DOWN. Journaling. 

Journaling is the secret sauce. 

The more detailed you are in your writing, the more likely you will be in achieving your goals. 

Grab your journal and start writing. In detail. What are your dreams? What do you want to achieve? Now have fun with it! 

Enjoy the journey. Embrace every day. Laugh. 

And journal about that, too! 

I would love to hear how journaling is impacting your life. 

How are you enjoying your 30 journal prompts?

I am your biggest fan.  I love you.  I’m here for you. 





Happiness is a Choice.  


Journaling to Reduce Stress