Journaling to Reduce Stress
Yes, you heard me correctly.
Journaling can REDUCE YOUR STRESS.
Do I have your attention?
I thought so. In this day and age, reducing stress is huge. Jobs, COVD-10, job losses, job changes, traveling restrictions, wearing masks just to pick up a few items at the grocery store, or going to church, or lunch with a friend. Wearing a mask for an entire flight. Not hugging, or shaking hands. Wearing masks to school. Homeschooling. Distance learning. Canceling vacations. Add to that the everyday stress of raising a family, paying bills, taking care of loved ones, LIFE.
It can be a lot, right?
So if we can incorporate something into our lives that actually REDUCES STRESS, doesn’t it seem like we should DO that?
And that something - journaling. Of course, you knew I was going to say that. By now you know that I am a huge believer in this practice.
So, how? How can journaling reduce stress? So glad you asked!
Simply by writing about our circumstances and our feelings surrounding those circumstances allows our brains to find solutions and preferable outcomes. If you journal just before bed, you will wake up with ideas to help solve ordeals in our lives. Our brains will start working on solutions while we sleep. Our brains are amazing - if we tap into our thoughts and feelings, our brains will take over from there. And writing in a journal gives our brains the information needed to get a solution started.
Talk about stress relief! And that, of course, leads to an overall healthier life.
Are you ready to consider journaling? It does not have to be hours a day. It can be minutes a day. And those minutes are life changing. Get it out on paper. I promise it will be beneficial.
One of my favorite journal prompts: Wouldn’t It Be Amazing If______
Go for it!
I can’t wait to hear your stories of how journaling is changing your life!
I believe in you. I love you. I am your biggest fan.
P.S. If you need help with journal prompts, get my FREE list of 30 journal prompts here