Meditation, Boundaries and Limiting Beliefs with Susan Crews
The lovely Susan Crews was so kind to sit down and chat with me recently. She is the founder and creator of the Radiant Soul Sisters Podcast, as well as a co-founder of the Huntsboro Hemp Company, located in North Carolina. Her mission and passion are to make the world healthier, one person at a time.
Our conversation began with a very important and sometimes overlooked premise: the most important and the hardest relationship to nurture is the one we have with ourselves. Most people, women especially, put everybody and every thing before ourselves. We must ask ourselves, “What do we have to do to be the person we are created to be?”
Enter today’s topics: Meditation, Boundaries and Limiting Beliefs
When we begin our personal development journeys these are some of the most important things we need to do. These actions will all help us to learn to love ourselves so we can be the best version of ourselves. The person we were meant to be!
Meditation - when we sit still and just be quiet, that's when we will hear our inner voices guide us to what we are supposed to be doing. Take time to sit with yourself. If you are not a meditator - just start! Whether it's one minute or three minutes, and don't beat up beat yourself up. The more you practice being still with yourself, the easier it becomes!
Boundaries - Setting boundaries can be difficult in the beginning and the people around us may not always have a good response to them. However, it is imperative to do this in order to protect your energy and your mental health. Boundaries take practice!
Limiting Beliefs - Oftentimes we get ideas in our minds about ourselves that are formed in our childhoods. It will take some work to undo these ideas that have been solidified for years, but when we are able to work past them, we can truly become the people we were created to be.
When you love yourself, you're able to love others better. How are you prioritizing yourself today?
Contact Susan Crews!