One Word Changed My Sleep Forever.

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Are you struggling with your sleep right now?  If you’re like most people, the answer to that question is YES

WHY??  Why do we struggle with sleep when it’s such a basic function of human life?  I can remember putting my kids to bed when they were little and they slept. They had their stories, they had their hugs, they had their songs.  And they laid their little heads on their pillows and they went to sleep. They didn’t lie awake stressing over the day. They didn’t lie awake planning the next day. They simply slept. And they would wake up recharged and ready to run.  

When did we lose that? When did sleep become a chore that we HAD to fit into our days?  

For me, it started in college. I could “get by” on very little sleep.  I often slept only 2 to 3 hours a night and sometimes I cut that down and just napped here and there.  I had things to do - and I kept adding things in.  People on campus found out that I had an awesome typewriter (remember those??) and I got requests to type papers - for money!  Cool!  I could type, make money, not sleep...and all would be well, right?  WRONG.  

Those years began a slippery slope for me.  I convinced myself that I didn’t need much sleep. After all, I could function on very little sleep.  Or so I thought.   When I was in my 30s, I was working full time AND went back to school to earn my MBA. Between my joy, kids’ school events, and the demanding pace of the University of Phoenix MBA program, I was again pulling all-nighters and bragging about how little sleep I was getting.  But I also couldn’t watch a movie with my kids, enjoy their concerts and sporting events, or even focus on what anyone was saying to me.  I fell asleep while typing papers, I fell asleep mid-sentence talking.  My health suffered.  And the long-term emotional effect was this:

I didn’t believe I was worthy of a great night’s sleep because there was just too much to get done. I had proven I could “function” on little sleep - so who was I to start “needing” 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night?  And how was I going to get it, anyhow? 

Every cell in your body deserves your love and respect. And sleep is an amazing way to show your body that love and respect.  

Every morning I would write at the top of my schedule, “I honor my schedule.”  But my schedule would be thrown off before I ever got to my office. I was so sleep deprived that I couldn’t get out of bed when I wanted to.  And when I DID get out of bed, I was too exhausted to even focus. Once, I even broke my wrist trying to workout when I was so tired I was literally dizzy.  My body was talking to me. Loud and clear. But I wasn’t listening.  

My schedule wasn’t what needed honoring.  

I made a shift.  

“I honor my body.”  

One small word.  One major shift.  

Sleep is something that we talk about in depth inside module one of The Radical Empowerment Method.  It is THAT important.  

I honor my body means I am in bed on time.  It means I don’t say yes to everything. It means I feed my body nutritious foods that fuel my activity and thinking.  It means I take time to relax and unwind before lying down for the night.  It means I don’t binge on TV until late into the night. It means I practice gratitude. It means I meditate. It means all of this and more.  

I honor my body.  

One small word shift has made all the difference in the world.  

I challenge you to try it. And let me know all the details of the changes that come into your world when you plan your day around honoring your body. I can’t wait to hear your stories! 

It’s never too late - 

Life is Short, Choose Wisely 

XOXO, Carrie 

P.S. One of my favorite parts of my evening routine is my lavender tea.  This relaxing drink calms me, brings me to a focus of gratitude and sets me up for a peaceful night’s sleep.  Enjoy!


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