Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha
Lisa Haisha is a life coach, transformational speaker, TV host, and avid traveler. Her fascination with people has taken her to over sixty countries, where she has helped people make shift happen in their lives. She is also the chairwoman of Silicon Valley's Pitch Global LA chapter ad the host of numerous documentaries featuring renowned change agents, entrepreneurs, and artists.
How can we set our souls ablaze and live a more purposeful, authentic life?
Be yourself - everyone else is taken. Everyone is special!
Have compassion. You haven’t walked in anyone else’s shoes.
You think you’re right. But what if you’re not? There is no right or wrong -just opinions!
How are you spending your time? Time is something we never get back. Money comes and goes. But time - is gone! Make sure you’re spending it the best way possible.
Every day we have the opportunity to make choices that shape our lives. Are you choosing wisely?
Your thoughts create your reality. Such a simple concept, but so incredibly powerful.
Most people think they know what they want, but they don’t. They will work “hard” for what they want, but it’s not necessarily about working hard - it’s about focusing on what you want. Do you have a clear, laser focus on what you want to set your soul on fire? I encourage you to get clear about this today and watch your life change radically!
Contact Lisa Haista!