The Over 50 "Dilemma"

It is time for you to stop feeling invisible, unheard, irrelevant, unseen. It is time for you to reclaim your dreams and break out of a mindset of limiting beliefs. Together, we can rediscover and redefine your dreams, your passions, your purpose in life. Finally, you will claim radical empowerment, radical confidence and radical change. Join the movement, confidence and clarity is yours.

Are you feeling this? You're over 50 as you feel stuck, you're tired of watching your own life pass you by and you just can't take it anymore. You know there's more out there for you and you just can't figure out how to get there. Science has proven that the majority of women over the age of 50 are feeling stuck. They don't know how to get unstuck. They feel this midlife dilemma. They don't know if it's a real thing. They don't know why it's there. They certainly don't know how to get out of it listen, I was there. There are still days where I wake up and I just think wow, how did I get to be 56. Here's the deal, dreaming. Taking the time to envision and visualize what you want is a major key to getting unstuck and being happier in midlife. See, it feels like we go through our 40s and we're having all this energy and then we hit 50 and something happens mentally to us. This dilemma is, is life over am I destined to be sore for the rest of my life and have achy joints and just have one thing after another go wrong in my physical body. That's what I heard the whole time I was growing up. Don't get old. I don't recommend it. Being over 50 sucks. Everything starts to decline once you hit 50 I am not part of the anti aging movement. I am part of the anti anti aging movement. We've talked about that here before. There is no such thing as turning back the clock. The clock is ticking. For everyone. For a newborn, the clock is ticking. From the moment our heart starts beating. It's on a downward count. That's not to be depressing. It is a fact of life that we will get older if we are blessed enough to remain on this earth. Aging is a blessing. That's what I want you to embrace. Aging is a blessing. We don't have to stay stuck. It does not have to be a dilemma. There's this midlife dilemma. We don't have to have a midlife crisis. We don't have to stop dreaming.

Dreams are focused on the future. Dreams are not for someone else. They are for you. Your thoughts can be changed, your life can be changed. Your next chapter can be so much more intentional. You can have so many more dreams. The truth is you're just to practice, and you need to learn how to start thinking with those dreams, again, think about dreams like this. I want dreams or thoughts like this, I want dreams to be a part of my life. I'm not going to let fear get in the way of what I really want. What I really want is fun. I want to be the kind of person that everyone looks at and says, wow, she really knows what she wants. How about this one, I deserve to have fun again, even in my 50s and beyond. I deserve to be unstuck.

I deserve to know how to relax. I deserve to know how to get rid of stress in my life. I deserve to know what is possible in my life. So how do we do that? I want you to think about three things. One, notice the excuses that you are making for your life. In other words, what is going on in your head? I want you to watch your thoughts. Because these are things that perhaps we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves, we're too busy, huh? We're too old. We don't know how to have fun. We have too many things going on in our lives. Notice your excuses. Be on the lookout for at least five of your top excuses that you regularly say to yourself, for example, I'm too busy to learn how to fill in the blank. Recognize that as an excuse? And what could you say instead? I'm curious as to how I could learn to fill in the blank. Notice how that thought makes you feel? I'm curious to find out how I could do that. Sign up for a class. Put your hiking shoes on and go out and hike? What is it that you're dreaming of? And what are the excuses you are using to hold yourself back. That's number one, notice your excuses. And tune into those top five excuses you use and turn them around. Turn them around. Number two, I want you to look at what has always brought joy into your life. Take a step back and look at your life. What are the chapters that brought you the most joy? What always grabs your attention? What made you happy and took up your time? Was it reading? For me? One of the things that brought me so much joy was reading. And I realized one day that I never read anymore. And the realize the realization of that brought me deeper, why don't I read anymore, because I felt like I was wasting time and that I didn't deserve the time to sit down with a great book and just read all day like I used to. Somehow I wasn't worthy of that anymore. And I turned that around and claimed my power back. Going back to those excuses. I made so many excuses why reading wasn't a part of my life again. And then I turn those excuses around. Because I knew that that brought me joy. Those two things go hand in hand, looking at your excuses, and then looking at what brought you joy or what you want to try that will bring you joy. This is something to journal about, What makes you unique. What are your passions? What do you like and dislike. What what do you find funny? What are your values? What do you have training in? What's your background? Do you like to travel? What's your family life like? What would you like it to be like? reflect deeply on those things. So number one, look at the excuses. Number two, appreciate how you're unique and what brought you joy. And number three, I want you to look at changing something in your life. Change something starts small but make a change. You see growth can be challenging and scary. It can be full of discomfort. Interestingly, growth isn't something that we do naturally. If we're not aware of pushing ourselves forward and growing, we are going backwards and stagnating. It's why you stay in that midlife funk in the first place.

Here's the truth. When you avoid discomfort, you are not evolving. You are you are declining. If you feel like your body has gotten weaker, and you keep sitting on the couch, you won't get stronger. You also won't stay the same you will get weaker. The opposite of growth is decline. To grow, we need to get uncomfortable. We need to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Change something in your life. When was the last time you made an intentional change in your life started a new routine. When did you take fear out of the driver's seat, put it in the passenger seat and say you can come with me but I'm in control. When was the last time you took a break from doing the same old thing every single day, it doesn't matter what it is. The important thing is that you decide to take a small step forward, a change, shake things up, take a small step, do it because you want to and you freaking deserve it. Then keep going. Your life is yours. My tagline on everything I do is Life is short, choose wisely. It is a message My brother gave me an a dream soon after he died at 48 years old, he would have loved the opportunity to get old. In a dream, just shortly after he died. Life is short little sister choose wisely. I bring that to you. Life is short, my friends choose wisely. You have the power to make your midlife chapter and beyond more intentional, you can live your next chapters differently than you have been living up to date. You don't have to go through motions every single day and live the same day over and over again, you do not have to stay stuck in Groundhog Day, you get to change. Take note of your excuses, tap into what you truly want. Then start making changes. Start small, maybe you want to feel better, start small, add one fruit to your day, every single day. One more fruit, the next the next week, add two more, then start adding some vegetables and then start walking. Maybe it's your driveway, then you start with a block. And pretty soon you're flying to Vegas to to run a 5k. That's what I'm doing this weekend. I never thought I would be doing those things. Certainly not as I'm pushing 60. But we don't have to believe what society tells us. We don't have to believe what we're told that everything starts to break down after you hit 50. You have to accept every single weight change, every single thing that makes your joints hurt. You get to look into what's going to make you feel better, and you get to do those things and you are worthy of doing those things. I lead a group of women in a group coaching program called the confidence and clarity collective. I highly recommend that you click the link in my show notes and get involved with this incredible group of women.

We are heading to Ohio in a few weeks to have a face to face for the for many of us, it'll be the first time we've ever met each other face to face. And we are coming together for a weekend for some deep dive journaling. A whole lot of fun, a whole lot of laughter and a whole lot of keeping ourselves accountable to make these changes because we don't have to stay stuck. And neither do you get involved in that group. It is life changing for everyone who comes in, you deserve confidence. Radical confidence, radical clarity, radical change, and you deserve to take radical action. Your journal prompt today is to answer these questions. What is my dream job, and why? What would my dream house look like? Where would it be? What did I dream about when I was a kid? Tap into those things. You still get to make them a reality. We get to do it together. I love you. I am your biggest fan. I will see you inside the confidence and clarity collective. Let me just say again, you deserve this.

I can't wait to hear from you.


Your Life Isn't Over.


I want to empower you to feel sexy again.